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Nokia C3
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Nokia C3 Precio en la India
Comprar en las tiendas en línea Precio Actualizado: 11 Mar 2015
Sulekha Mobiles no garantiza la exactitud del precio anterior; Los precios mostrados arriba se obtienen de diversas fuentes. Compruebe los precios, el color, la memoria y las ofertas en el sitio web de la tienda respectiva antes de realizar su compra. ver más
El Nokia C3 está disponible en las tiendas minoristas móviles de las ciudades de la India, incluyendo Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi y Pune
El Nokia C3 está disponible en tiendas online como snapdeal
El precio de Nokia C3 de las tiendas en línea es válido en todas las principales ciudades de la India. Por favor, compruebe los precios en las tiendas específicas para cualquier desviación.
El mejor precio de Nokia C3 es Rs. 6.417 en el snapdeal
Sulekha Mobiles no verifica los detalles de los anuncios de Nokia C3 para celulares usados publicados aquí. Le pedimos que se ponga en contacto con el usuario directamente y verifique el precio de Nokia C3 usado, condiciones de trabajo y otra información que puede no estar disponible en el anuncio.
Características de Nokia C3
El Nokia C3 es un teléfono de gama media con teclado QWERTY. El teléfono tiene un montón de características útiles para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes objetivo. El teléfono funciona con el sistema operativo Symbian Series 40. Que se encuentra comúnmente en muchos teléfonos inteligentes de Nokia. Diseño El Nokia C3 pesa sólo 114 gramos y tiene un grosor de 13,6 mm. El teléfono viene con una pantalla TFT de 2,4 pulgadas que tiene una resolución de 320 x 240 píxeles. El teléfono está bien diseñado para proporcionar un mejor agarre para los usuarios. El teclado QWERTY ayuda a los usuarios a escribir sus mensajes de texto fácilmente. Características El teléfono tiene una cámara de 2 MP para capturar imágenes con una resolución impresionante. Los videos se pueden grabar a una velocidad de fotogramas de 15 fps. La memoria de la guía telefónica puede almacenar hasta 1000 números de contacto. La capacidad de memoria del Nokia C3 se puede ampliar hasta 8 GB a través de una tarjeta microSD. La batería del teléfono ofrece tiempo de conversación de hasta 7 horas y tiempo de espera de hasta 800 horas. El Nokia C3 ofrece acceso a Internet a través de diferentes plataformas, incluyendo Wi-Fi. El puerto Bluetooth y USB se puede utilizar para compartir datos con otros dispositivos. Las aplicaciones de redes sociales preinstaladas en el teléfono le permiten acceder a sus contactos. Otras características como juegos, radio FM y reproductor de música, etc. también pueden mejorar la experiencia del usuario.
Nokia C3 Dubai
Nokia C3 es un teléfono móvil / smartphone lanzado por Nokia que mantiene a la generación joven y los nuevos empresarios en mente. C3 móvil se lanzó en Dubai / UAE a finales de 2010 y ganó una popularidad significativa a mediados de 2011. Nokia C3 se encuentra en la serie 40 gama por lo tanto ampliar la gama de aplicaciones de applets Java basado en aplicaciones Symbian Native. C3 móvil puede ejecutar aplicaciones Flash y en el navegador también. Algunas de las características clave de Nokia C3 disponible en Dubai es la siguiente
Teclado: Árabe e Inglés con diseño QWERTY
Colores disponibles en Dubai: Nokia C3 está disponible en cuatro colores principales en Dubai que son gris oscuro / negro, plata, rosa y blanco de oro (limitado)
Navegador Web de Alta Velocidad
Zoom digital de 4x Cámara de 2 megapíxeles con memoria interna de 55 MB con una capacidad máxima de 16 GB como externo
Clase de red de datos. Puede utilizar GPRS y EGPRS (2G y 2.5G) con paquete de datos y conectividad WIFI también está disponible
Nokia C3 también se conoce como Nokia C3-00. No lo confunda con otro modelo que es Nokia C3-01 que es Touch and Type versión de la misma.
Precio de Nokia C3 en Dubai: Los precios de Nokia C3 en Dubai ya través de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos varían de distribuidor a distribuidor, garantía proporcionada y la opción de color disponible. La siguiente lista de precios para Nokia C3 en Dubai se actualiza a partir de agosto de 2011.
Nokia C3 en Jumbo Electronics Dubai - aproximadamente AED 400
Nokia C3 Touch y Type (C3-01) en Jumbo Electronics Dubai - aproximadamente AED 640 a AED 680
Nokia C3 precios en otros puntos de venta de Dubai: aproximadamente AED 250 a aproximadamente 365 AED
C3 Nokia también se puede comprar a los principales distribuidores móviles de Dubai, como Carrefour, Aptec Mobiles, Axiom Telecom, Emax y Fono.
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Comerciante privado, autor, entrenador y FX Coach
Él es un economista de formación y un banquero con experiencia durante 25 años.
- "Aumentar el Capital Empresarial", publicado por Trafford Publishing, USA / Canadá en 2007
- 'Forex Trading El Smart Way', Ver 2.0, 2009 Edición
- 'Trading del mercado Forex, un curso de formación básica', Ver 2.0, 2010 Edición
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Nokia C3 revisión
C3 de Nokia es un compañero de la recién lanzado, y bien recibido, C5 y un lookalike para el eterno favorito E72. Pero no, por un momento, trabajan bajo la ilusión de que es un competidor directo o actualización de la E72.
Con un precio de venta de & libra; 119 directo de Nokia y tan poco como & libra; 80 en otra parte SIM libre es obviamente una compra del presupuesto.
Nuestra muestra de la revisión vino de Vodafone, donde cuesta y libra; 80 en reparto. El E72 todavía cuesta más de 250 libras en comparación.
La serie E está definitivamente dirigido principalmente a la comunidad empresarial, aunque los teléfonos E han encontrado favor en otros lugares. La serie C está dirigido a las personas que quieren un teléfono de presupuesto y también quieren buenas características de comunicaciones, por lo tanto, el mini teclado QWERTY que adorna el frente y construido en mapas Ovi y Ovi Chat.
Los canales de Facebook y Twitter se pueden enviar en directo a la pantalla principal y Wi-Fi le ayuda a mantener un control sobre el uso de datos. Lo necesitarás, en realidad, porque este teléfono carece de 3G. Confiarás en GPRS y EDGE para todas tus comunicaciones de datos basadas en la red.
El Nokia C3 viene en tres colores. Nuestra muestra de la revisión era la opción de la pizarra gris, que es realmente más azul que gris y una cortina bastante agradable. También hay rosas de color rosa (eek!) Y doradas.
La cáscara externa es brillante y nos pareció bastante atractivo para fingermarks grasiento. La parte trasera tiene un acabado mate, que es más fácil de agarrar y menos propensos a frotis.
La característica dominante del Nokia C3 es su teclado QWERTY, que ocupa la parte inferior de la fascia delantera. Hay una buena variedad de botones bien espaciados sentado por encima de este.
El D-pad es grande y fácil de usar y hay dos botones de plata elevados. En nuestro Nokia C3 de Nokia, el de la mano derecha se puede personalizar de inmediato & ndash; Usted es caminado a través del proceso la primera vez que lo golpeó.
La izquierda te lleva a Comunidades & ndash; Un sustantivo colectivo para Facebook y Twitter. Más sobre eso en breve.
Sentado dentro de estos botones en la fascia plana del teléfono son dos iconos. Tendrás que ser preciso, pero presionando el marcado con el icono de mensajes nos llevó a MyWeb (servicio 360 de Vodafone), mientras que el otro nos dejó en Contactos.
También hay botones de menú suave y los botones de Llamada y Fin en esta área, este último duplicando como el interruptor de encendido / apagado.
Como es a menudo el caso, Nokia ha hecho un trabajo muy bueno de la clave de calidad y diseño. Realmente nos resulta difícil de criticar.
Los lados son bastante mínimos en términos de botones y conectores, aunque los elementos presentes son donde se espera encontrarlos. El conector de auriculares de 3,5 mm se encuentra feliz en el borde superior junto al conector de alimentación principal.
En el lado izquierdo se encuentran la alimentación principal y los conectores para PC (micro-USB) y la ranura para tarjetas microSD, ambos protegidos por cubiertas abisagradas. Hacia el fondo de este borde hay un pestillo de liberación rápida para la placa posterior.
El lado derecho es negro aparte de un segundo pestillo de liberación rápida, y el borde inferior, que es más curvado que el borde superior, también está en blanco.
No todo es dulzura y luz, sin embargo. Esto no es un teléfono pequeño, pero la pantalla está comprometida. El Nokia C3 mide 115,5 x 58,1 x 13,6 mm y pesa 114 g.
Con esas dimensiones se puede esperar más de una pantalla de 2,4 pulgadas & ndash; Pensamos que técnicamente Nokia podría haber corrido a más grande, pero el presupuesto, probablemente, las cosas de nuevo. Entregando 320 x 240 píxeles, está lejos de ser ideal para actividades ricas en medios, como la navegación web.
Página actual: Nokia C3: Diseño & amp; visión de conjunto
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Nokia C3 te acerca a tus amigos y comunidades en línea con funciones de mensajería fáciles y una conexión rápida y confiable a Internet.
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C-Series C3 Teléfono Móvil
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&dupdo; 2016, mob. org. Todos los derechos reservados.
Tu teléfono: Nokia C3
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Nokia C3
Buscas WhatsApp para Nokia C3? En este sitio web le informamos sobre todo lo relacionado con la descarga e instalación de WhatsApp para Nokia C3. La base de datos indica que el Nokia C3 hace uso de un sistema operativo más antiguo. WhatsApp no admite este sistema operativo. Por desgracia, este equipo que WhatsApp descarga para Nokia C3 no es posible. Actualmente, WhatsApp está disponible para Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone y algunos teléfonos Symbian. Si realmente quieres hacer uso de WhatsApp, el mejor consejo es comprar algún dispositivo (barato) que soporte WhatsApp. Hay muchos teléfonos Android relativamente baratos por unos 60 dólares disponibles.
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Por lo tanto, la descarga de WhatsApp para Nokia C3 no es posible porque este dispositivo utiliza un sistema operativo que es simplemente demasiado viejo. WhatsApp quiere que su aplicación sea compatible con el mayor número posible de dispositivos. Sin embargo, no hay ninguna posibilidad de que WhatsApp lanzará una versión para el Nokia C3. Este sistema operativo apenas se utiliza, y los teléfonos con este sistema operativo no se producen más. Por lo tanto, con el fin de hacer uso de WhatsApp y empezar a enviar mensajes gratis, lo mejor que puedes hacer es comprar un nuevo teléfono que admita WhatsApp. Android es posible la opción más barata. Usted podría comprar un poco de teléfono Android barato por alrededor de $ 60. De esta manera usted puede hacer uso de todas las ventajas de WhatsApp de una manera relativamente barata.
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Revisión de Nokia C3-00
Nokia C3-00
El Nokia C3 facilita la mensajería. Este teléfono esbelto y compacto es muy sencillo y divertido, y puedes personalizarlo con accesos directos a todos tus contactos favoritos, redes sociales y aplicaciones.
El C3 tiene un teclado QWERTY completo que se presenta como un teclado portátil, por lo que puede disparar rápidamente mensajes de correo electrónico y mensajes de texto gracias a la disposición familiar y grandes y cómodas claves.
Nokia C3 ofrece cada tweet, carga de fotos y Facebook y comercio; Actualización en cuestión de segundos y es fácil personalizar la apariencia de la pantalla principal con los widgets preinstalados. También puedes descargar más aplicaciones, temas y fondos de pantalla de la tienda Ovi, incluido el excelente servicio gratuito de mensajería instantánea, WhatsApp.
Vea todos los mensajes en un solo lugar: puede sincronizar hasta 10 cuentas de correo electrónico con su teléfono móvil Nokia y enviar cada mensaje a su pantalla. Los mensajes SMS se muestran como conversaciones, y puede tener varios chats de mensajería instantánea a la vez, utilizando varias cuentas.
Ir en línea a través de GPRS o Wi-Fi y navegar por sitios web, transmitir videos o descargar contenido directamente a su móvil. El Nokia C3 es un Symbian ^ S40 móvil, y le da acceso a la diversión y útiles widgets, accesos directos y servicios, así como frescos fondos de pantalla y juegos.
Con Facebook y comercio; Y Twitter y comercio; Construido directamente en su teléfono, un reproductor multimedia en la mano para mantenerte entretenido, y una cámara de 2MP con grabación de vídeo y zoom de 4x, el Nokia C3 está listo para trabajar y jugar. Adquiera una tarjeta de memoria microSD. Hasta 8GB, y convierta su teléfono en una biblioteca de todas sus fotos, música, aplicaciones y juegos favoritos, todo listo para que usted disfrute en movimiento.
Asegúrese de invertir en una funda de teléfono móvil para su nuevo Nokia C3, y mantenerlo en perfecto estado, libre de rasguños, arañazos, polvo y huellas dactilares.
Pensé que los días de Nokia lanzando algo medio decente habían terminado. Yo no tenía el dinero para agarrar un BB y casi encogido cuando este teléfono fue sugerido como una alternativa.
Entonces, quién está riendo ahora? Después de una buena jugada me conformé con el Nokia C3. Su calidad de construcción es inusualmente buena, la tapa de batería de metal garantiza las únicas cosas que la flexión son las claves. El teclado es muy fácil de usar - incluso para el Sr. Big Fingers aquí - y muy sensible para mensajes de texto es muy rápido y sencillo.
La cuenta de correo electrónico funciona muy bien y soy capaz de ver texto de correo electrónico fácilmente que es importante cuando está lejos de casa. El Internet es un poco diferente en que usted tiene que chascar agrande para ver el texto. No es un problema real. El Nokia Chat funciona con todas las formas de mensajería incluyendo el BB - de nuevo fácil de configurar y usar.
Duración de la batería. Aquí es donde tendrás tus amigos BB llorando. Un uso de semanas no es imposible con el C3. (Navegación ligera, ect de los email).
Calidad de la llamada: impecable en ambos extremos.
Por una vez Nokia han sacado las paradas. Este es un gran teléfono lleno de las características que necesita y nada que realmente no lo hacen. Realmente no puedo recomendar este suficiente.
Si usted tiene un hijo / hija clammering para un BB - piense cuidadosamente sobre este teléfono y recuerde que usted tendrá que empezar a pagar para usar BB Messenger más pronto que tarde.
Grupo de edad: 30 - 39
He utilizado este producto para: 3-6 meses
He estado usando este teléfono constantemente durante un año y medio ahora y la vida de la batería es todavía gran duración 2-3days, hasnt deppreciated desde que lo trajo :) también, he droped que por el inodoro, mientras que se ha activado Y se ha golpeado sobre un pedazo justo pero su todavía funcionamiento grande. El único problema es porque me dejó caer por el inodoro que tratamos de tomar aparte para conseguir el agua, así que el caso frontal es poco a poco va a caer pero eso es debido a mi culpa no de Nokia. Lo único malo es que la pantalla se acopla con bastante facilidad, pero la pantalla sigue clara y se supera. Puedo usarlo con mis ojos cerrados y lo recomendaría a cualquier amante de nokia
Grupo de edad: Menores de 18 años
He utilizado este producto para: 1-2 años
Yo uso este producto para: Personal
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Revisión 3 para Nokia C3-00
No puedo criticar este teléfono en absoluto. La calidad de la llamada en el teléfono es brillante, los juegos incorporados son buenos y el sistema de menú puede ser personalizado a sus necesidades. El cmera es sólo 2mp, pero produce buenas imágenes. He tenido el teléfono durante 18 meses y he tenido que comprar su primera batería de reemplazo. No quiero ningún otro teléfono. Cuando el Nokia Asha 201 fue lanzado tuve un intento en mi tienda local y encontré que es muy similar a la C3, excepto el 201 no tiene wifi.
Mis recomendaciones de productos
Grupo de edad: 30 - 39
He utilizado este producto para: 1-2 años
Yo uso este producto para: Personal
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Review 4 para Nokia C3-00
Quiere una mora pero no es como una
Tengo una hija de 9 años que quiere una zarzamora dije que no, por lo que se molestó por lo que salió y le compró esto y ella le encanta y ahora ella puede texto de sus amigos y hablar fácil de usar y relisbilty excelllent así batttery vida No es tan malo, pero es goood puedo usar como un teléfono de emergencia, así
Yo uso esto para enviar mensajes de texto, llamar, almacenar y tomar fotos, mi despertador, mi hacer listas.
Compré este teléfono porque era barato y tbh que era realmente un poco avergonzado por ella al principio PERO.
La vida de la batería dura para siempre puedo ir semana (s) sin conectarlo pulg Quik corta a facebook / twitter, textos, cámara, etc Cámara no es increíble, pero se puede editar la foto. Sin flash, pero puedes aclarar las fotos en el bit de edición. Tiene la urdimbre de la cara.
No estaba seguro acerca del teclado qwerty al principio, ya que siempre había utilizado el diseño de teléfono estándar, pero me adaptó a esto muy rápidamente y ahora puede navegar a mi manera todo el teléfono con los ojos cerrados.
Todos los teléfonos prvious me han durado menos de un año debido al uso excesivo y dejarlo caer. ¡mucho! He caído la mía mucho durante el último año y medio y todavía no hay fichas o roto / agrietado pantalla: unos scrathches aquí y allá sin embargo. Pero todavía puedo ver la pantalla claramente y el teléfono sigue siendo fuerte!
Sólo puntos abajo tengo con mi teléfono son que no puedo recive o enviar mensajes multimedia y aunque el Internet es bueno puede tomar un poco de tiempo para cargar a veces. Pero estos problemas son personales a mi teléfono y he elegido no conseguirlos fijados pues no han afectado el uso de mi teléfono, pero he sido confiado que esto sería fijo si lo envié lejos.
Sus mensajes aparecen como conversaciones de su contacto que encuentro es mucho más fácil de realizar un seguimiento de la disposición de la bandeja de entrada de texto habitual. Todos mis contactos tienen fotografías junto a ellos. Mi señal es siempre de primera categoría, en el medio de una ciudad o en el medio de no hay que no se puede decir para un montón de teléfonos. La duración de la batería tampoco afecta a la señal que recibe.
Estarías loco para cerrar los ojos a este teléfono como casi lo hice. Es un guardián.
Grupo de edad: 18 - 29
He utilizado este producto para: 1-2 años
Tengo este teléfono en octubre de 2011 y me encanta! Elegí esto en lugar del C3-01 por el teclado QWERTY - se parece mucho a un Blackberry, y es bueno para los adolescentes que no pueden permitirse un Blackberry real, pero quiere un teléfono similar a la mayoría de la gente en su escuela.
Me encanta el hecho de que usted puede personalizar tanto. Cambia las teclas de acceso directo, cambia el orden de los menús, cambia el tema y, el mejor bit, cambia la pantalla de inicio, para que puedas ver recordatorios, información general, contactos, temporizador, correo, notas, radio, barra de acceso directo, búsqueda web o Controles WLAN.
Puntos positivos: Puedo usar WhatsApp para hablar con la gente sin usar mis textos. Puedo conectar con el wifi en el país y utilizar los wifis libres como la nube. Viene con una tarjeta de memoria Realmente fácil de transferir las cosas de la computadora al teléfono (si usted compra un micro usb / usb plomo o lector de tarjetas micro sd, ni se incluyen). Después de un poco de práctica, el teclado qwerty es realmente fácil de usar. Puede descargar un lector QR Viene con buenas cames como Bounce Tales y Block'd. Reproduce música y tiene una radio Nokia Mail
Puntos negativos: A veces se congela cuando se juega 'Block'd', pero se puede solucionar fácilmente pulsando el botón rojo (colgar). Conectarse a los puntos libres del wifi tarda mucho tiempo o no trabaja en absoluto. La pantalla se rasca con bastante facilidad - NO DEJARLO CON CLAVES O USTED ESTARÁ EN UNA SORPRESA DESAGRADABLE. Sugiero la obtención de un caso que cubre la pantalla. La cámara no es muy buena. Es sólo 2MP.
Mis recomendaciones de productos
He tenido este teléfono más de un año y es genial. Es realmente fácil de usar, parece inteligente y es confiable. Lo he caído una cantidad incontable de veces y conseguí la arena pegada en el teclado una y otra vez, con todo todavía trabajo muy bien (y toda la arena ha salido)! La gran memoria es una buena característica y la tienda de aplicaciones es de fácil acceso también. Texting es rápido gracias al teclado. En general un gran teléfono! Se lo recomendaría a cualquiera.
Grupo de edad: Menores de 18 años
He utilizado este producto para: 1-2 años
Yo uso este producto para: Personal
Personalmente, no me gustan los teléfonos con pantalla táctil y me gusta trabajar con el C3. Acabo de comprar este oro como mi segundo teléfono como acabo de iniciar un negocio y quiere 2 números diferentes. La batería sólo necesita cargar una vez por semana, y me texto mucho. Así que ahora tengo 2 C3 y mi mamá y papá también han comprado uno cada uno. He probado muchas otras marcas, pero aún así volver a un Nokia, ya que son tan fáciles de usar, la vida de la batería es insuperable, son fiables y son un gran diseño y colores. Que más puedo decir. Quiéralo.
Grupo de edad: 40 - 49
He utilizado este producto para: 1-2 años
Yo uso este producto para: Personal
Sólo he tenido este teléfono para aprox. 2 semanas. Es un teléfono encantador y amp; La única razón por la que le di una clasificación de 4 estrellas para la facilidad de uso, esto es simplemente porque estoy luchando un poco con la almohadilla querty cuando estoy haciendo un mensaje txt. Estoy acostumbrado a un doard querty como yo uso un ordenador portátil, pero el cambio de tamaño es lo que estoy luchando con, espero que con el tiempo voy a mejorar. Recomendaría encarecidamente este teléfono though. Mind usted, la cosa que estoy encontrando realmente difícil de utilizar es mi opción del regalo libre. Tengo la tableta & amp; Realmente debería haber ido por un televisor como no puedo "tragar" & quot; la tableta. Jajaja Bromeando aparte, sólo he tenido la cosa fuera de su caja para mirar & amp; Lo pongo de nuevo en, no creo que voy a ser capaz de utilizarlo, por lo que será otro gadget en mi casa relegado a un armario, a menos que por supuesto, usted me deja cambiar?
He utilizado este producto para: menos de un mes
Yo uso este producto para: Personal
No he tenido el teléfono el tiempo suficiente para comentar sobre la fiabilidad. Todas las otras características son mucho mejores y más rápido que cualquiera de mis teléfonos anteriores. El teclado es claro y fácil de usar y la pantalla es grande. It would be fair to point out that it is a bit heavier but that does not detract from its overall performance.
I have used this product for: less than a month
I use this product for: Personal
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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Review 17 for Nokia C3-00
excellent ladies phone
v pleased with this phone just what i wanted, defo a ladies phone as buttons quite small but the gold colour is great for the summer! Overall v pleased, it does everything i want it to texts, calls and online, good for facebooking!
Age group: 30 - 39
I have used this product for: 1-3 months
This fone is very good i have had it for about 2 years now and it hasnt slowed down like some fones do. sometimes it freezes wen you try send a text and have no signal but it freezes for about 5 seconds and goes back to were you wer so nothing major like some fones that turn themelves off. The battery life is very good when fullly charged it will last 2-3 days if you listen to music quite alot (like me. ) if you are just using it for texts it will last 5-6 days . all in all a very good fone would recommend it highly
Age group: Under 18
I have used this product for: 1-2 years
I use this product for: Personal
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
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Review 20 for Nokia C3-00
i purchased this phone. its absolutely great best one ive had, great camera good storage and the battery is marvellous. very easy to use aswell. would recommend to all. x
Age group: 40 - 49
I have used this product for: less than a month
I use this product for: Personal
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
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Nokia QWERTY C3 Review
Wednesday, June 2nd 2010. | Reviews
Nokia QWERTY C3 buatan Vendor Nokia sepertinya ingin mendongkrak Ponsel QWERTY agar tidak seperti nasib Nokia E63 harganya sudah terjun bebas ke Rp. 1.6jt dari pertama kali lunching sekitar 3jt-an. Tahun lalu Nokia QWERTY E63 sangat best seller, kini Vendor Nokia membuat lagi ponsel QWERTY mirip E63 yaitu Nokia QWERTY C3 .
asilitas, Desain dan Spesifikasi Nokia QWERTY C3 sepertinya hampir sama seperti Nokia E63. dan telah di release hari ini di Thamrin Nine Ballrom, Jakarta,(2/6/2010)dengan harga Rp. 1.159.999
Berikut spesifikasi Nokia QWERTY C3 yang di bandrol Rp. 1.159.999 :
& # 8211; 2G Network. GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 – Size Dimensions. 15.5 x 58.1 x 13.6 mm, 63.2 cc, Weight 114g – Display Type TFT, 256K colors – Size 320 x 240 pixels, 2.4 inches – Full QWERTY keyboard – Sound Alert types. Vibration, MP3 ringtones – Speakerphone. Yes, 3.5 mm audio jack – Memory Phonebook. Practically unlimited entries and fields – Internal Memory 55 MB, Mermoy Card slot. microSD, up to 16GB – GPRS Class 32 – EDGE Class 32 – 3G. No – WLAN. Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g – Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with A2DP – Infrared port No – USB Yes, v2.0 microUSB – Camera Primary 2 MP, 1600×1200 pixels, Video Yes, QCIF@15fps – Secondary Camera. No – Features Messaging. SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM – Browser. WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML (Opera Mini) – Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS – Colors. Slate Grey, Golden White, Hot Pink – GPS. No, Java. Yes, MIDP 2.0 – Social network integration – MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV player – MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player – Flash Lite v3.0 – Voice command/dial – Organizer – Battery, Li-Ion 1320 mAh (BL-5J) sama dengan Nokia 5230, Nokia X6 dan Nokia N900
Koneksi Nokia QWERTY C3 udah GPRS Class 32 dan EDGE Class 32 yang lumayan buat chating, Browsing dan Facebook-an … Plus Ditambah Wifi sehingga kita bisa internetan gratis di tempat yang menyediakan hotspot
Ponsel Nokia C3 ini berbasis platform S40 dari Symbian, dengan dukungan mail Ovi dan koneksi WiFi. Namun sayangnya, ponsel ini maksimal hanya bisa mengandalkan koneksi EDGE saat terhubung ke jaringan operator. Kameranya pun hanya beresolusi 2MP.
Tapi buat Remaja, Nokia QWERTY C3 adalah solusi tepat untuk gaya dengan harga terjangkau
Related For Nokia QWERTY C3 Review
Nokia C3!!
Acercar al gran público la facilidad de conexión al e-mail, las redes sociales o los servicios de mensajería. Ese es el objetivo que se ha planteado Nokia con el lanzamiento de sus dos nuevos terminales de la serie C, el Nokia C6 y el Nokia C3. De los dos, este último es el más sencillo, pero no por ello olvida una buena conectividad y unas prestaciones muy decentes por un precio (antes de impuestos y subvenciones) de sólo 90 euros.
Diseño y pantalla
El Nokia C3 es el más parecido de la gama a los terminales de la serie empresarial. Se trata de un movil de tipo barra o monobloque que integra un teclado completo en la mitad inferior del frontal. Su factor de forma es más ancho que los móviles convencionales. Mide 115,5 x 58,1 x 13,6 mm y pesa 113 gramos.
Para no dar tanto aspecto de terminal corporativo, el C3 se distribuirá en tres colores: gris pizarra para los más sobrios, dorado y un llamativo rosa fucsia. Al no ser táctil, los controles se amplian con un pad direccional rodeado de varios botones de menú y acceso directo.
La pantalla del Nokia C3 no es táctil. Se trata de un display TFT de2,4 pulgadas y resolución de 320×240 píxeles.
Como ya se puede imaginar por su precio, el Nokia C3 no incluye conectividad 3G bajo HSDPA. En su lugar ofrece Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth 2.0 con perfil de audioA2DP y Radio FM para completar la conexión GPRS. Las conexiones físicas incluyen el consabido puerto MicroUSB para carga y datos, y jack de 3,5mm para audio.
El terminal también integra A-GPS y, al igual que el resto de móviles de la compañía finlandesa, dispone de navegación gratuita de por vida, para conductor o peatón, a través de la aplicación Nokia Mapas.
Procesador, memoria y sistema operativo
El Nokia C3 lleva instalado el sistema operativo Symbian S40, por lo que no precisa de grandes alardes en materia de procesador. La memoria interna disponible alcanza 55MB, ampliables hasta 8GB mediante el correspondiente puerto para tarjetas MicroSD.
En el apartado de software, el Nokia C3 incluye las aplicaciones Nokia Messaging y Nokia Mail. Ambas permiten acceder a nuestros mensajes de correo electrónico, Googletalk o Messenger de forma rápida, sencilla, y sobre todo sin necesidad de una conexión de alto rendimiento a internet. La parte de redes sociales se ha solventado mediante una aplicación llmada Nokia Comunidades, que ofrece las actualizaciones en la portada del teléfono.
Cámara y multimedia
La cámara del Nokia C3 ofrece una resolución de sólo 2 megapíxeles (1600 x 1200 en JPG) con zoom de cuatro aumentos y grabación de vídeo. EL terminal no dispone de cámara secundaria ya que la falta de conexión 3G hace que no sea necesaria.
Pese a su asequible precio, el Nokia C3 no se queda atrás en cuanto a reproducción multmedia y comparte la compatibilidad de archivos que exhibe el Nokia C6, un modelo bastante superior en prestaciones. Esta compatibilidad incluye formatos habituales como el MP4 o el H.263 y H.264.
Autonomía y disponibilidad
Si en algo destaca el Nokia C3 es en su autonomía. De ello se encarga una batería de 1.320 mAh que ofrece hasta 480 horas de uso en espera o 7 horas en conversación.
Al igual que su primo, el C6, el Nokia C3 llegará a las tiendas en verano a un precio antes de impuestos o subvenciones de 90 euros.
Aunque no sea 3G, el Nokia C3 ofrece un buen número de prestaciones relacionadas con internet. La batería es, sin duda, uno de sus puntos fuertes.
Se puede mejorar
Pasando por alto el ya venerable sistema operativo Symbian S40, al Nokia C3 tan sóo le falta algo más de definición en su cámara.
Estándar 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 GSM / GPRS Dimensiones 115,5 x 58 x 15,6 mm Peso: 113gr Memoria Memoria interna de 55MB ampliable por tarjetas microSD de hasta 8 GB Pantalla LCD 2,4 pulgadas (320×240 píxeles) 256.000 colores Cámara Sensor 2 Megapíxeles Grabación de vídeo Multimedia Reproducción de música, vídeo y fotos Formatos compatbiles: JPEG / MP3 / WMA / AAC / MPEG4 / H.263 / H.264 Sintonizador radio FM Soporte Java y Flash Controles y conexiones Sistema operativo Symbian S40 Tecla de llamada/descolgar/aceptar Tecla de rechazar/colgar llamadas Control de volumen lateral Botón disparador de la cámara A-GPS integrado Cable MicroUSB Salida de 3,5 mm para auriculares Ranura para tarjetas microSD Visualizador de documentos Sin cables: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g y Bluetooth 2.0 con A2DP Autonomía Batería de 1.320 mAh En conversación (3G): 7 horas En espera: 480 horas
Fuente: El contenido del post es de mi autoría, y/o, es un recopilación de distintas fuentes.
Nokia C3 Touch and Type
Pixel density - The pixel density of a display represents the number of pixels over an area of one inch. It’s measured in “pixels per inch”, or ppi. The higher the number, the more detailed and good-looking the display is.
Technology - There are two main screen technologies currently used in phones and tablets: LCD and AMOLED. The former usually features a light source and liquid crystals, while the latter is based on organic light-emitting diodes. Newer LCD variations like IPS-LCD and Super-LCD allow for very accurate color reproduction and very wide viewing angles, where no significant image quality loss is observed. Current AMOLED screens differ in such a way that they can exhibit much more saturated colors (sometimes too much) and incredibly high contrast levels, which is due to black color being completely black in AMOLED displays.
Processor - The processor is the main computing component of a phone and is a major factor when it comes to the overall speed of the device. Some more powerful smartphones use dual-core and quad-core processors designed to deliver greater performance.
System memory - System memory, or RAM memory is the type of memory that the device uses to temporarily store data from the OS or currently-running apps. The more RAM available to the device, the better the performance will be when multiple or heavier programs are running.
Other features
Music ringtones (MP3, AAC, eAAC, eAAC+, WMA), Video ringtones, Polyphonic ringtones (64 voices), Vibration, Phone profiles, Flight mode, Silent mode, Speakerphone
Voice dialing, Voice commands, Voice recording
Regulatory Approval
FCC approval - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U. S. possessions. Every wireless phone device that is sold in the U. S. has to be tested and approved for sale by the FCC.
Date approved - Shows the date when the particular phone is approved by the Federal Communications Commission
FCC ID value - Shows the FCC Identifying value of the particular phone
FCC measured SAR - Working closely with federal health and safety agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the FCC has adopted limits for safe exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy. These limits are given in terms of a unit referred to as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which is a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile phone. The FCC requires cell phone manufacturers to ensure that their phones comply with these objective limits for safe exposure. Any cell phone at or below these SAR levels (that is, any phone legally sold in the U. S.) is a "safe" phone, as measured by these standards. The FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg).
Alternative variants
Nokia C3
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About the phone
Nokia C3 is a budget Qwerty phone made for messaging and social networking
It has a decent 2.4 inch display with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels
Camera is basic 2 MP . It supports upto 8 GB of external memory
Built in Social Networking Apps for Facebook and Twitter with live updates on homescreen
Supports upto 10 email accounts and all major Instant Messengers like GTalk, Yahoo, MSN etc
It has Wi-Fi but no 3G . It comes is preloaded with Opera Mini browser
Battery is good with talktime of upto 7 hours and standby time of upto 800 hours
Video Review
Key Specifications
2.4 inch Screen
Single SIM
2 MP Camera
GSM Phone
Show Detailed Specifications
User Ratings
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Billiard untuk nokia c3
April 15, 2010 – 8:06 pm | by omer
Nokia has announced Nokia C3. Nokia C6 and Nokia E5 handset in the month of April. C3 is the most affordable smart phone launched by Nokia. Nokia C3 lacks 3G networks as it works on 2G Network that connects network through GSM/GPRS. Nokia C3 for WLAN or Network Connectivity uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connectivity. It has no infrared port. Nokia C3 support microSD port. Nokia C3 introduces Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat features that enable the users to configure Mail and Chat account simultaneously.
Nokia C3 runs on Series 40 Full QWERTY phone platform and C3 designed by Nokia is to provide ultimate social networking experience right from the home screen. User can update, view and share their pictures and comments directly on popular social networks Apps like Face Book and Twitter . Nokia C3 is embedded with 2.0 mega pixel camera, 2.4 inches TFT Screen with 256 colors and supports external memory card up to 8GB memory card. Nokia C3 is expected to be arrived in the second quarter of 2010. Nokia will be available in golden white, slate grey and hot pink colors.
Nokia C3 handset has Symbian S40 Operating System. Nokia C3 is embedded with features of all the smart phones running on S60 3rd and 5th edition devices have and they include Wi-Fi, MicroSD card support. Nokia C3 has good talk time battery up to 7 hours.
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Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type (Unlocked)
Slim and attractive. Aluminum housing looks and feels expensive. Great camera and music player. Low price for an unlocked phone.
Earpiece could be louder. Despite its name, this isn't much of a "typing" phone without a QWERTY keyboard. No GPS.
Nokia's star has faded in the U. S. but the company is serving up some real unlocked bargains like the Nokia C3-01, a slim and slick voice phone with an excellent camera, music player, and Web browser.
Nokia's C3-01 Touch & Type has a clumsy name, but it's a darn useful cell phone. It's a standard candy bar style handset with a numeric keypad, except that it also has a large (for its size) touch screen. At just $179inexpensive for an unlocked devicethe Nokia C3-01 offers plenty of power for world travelers, or anyone who wants a svelte device that works with AT&T, T-Mobile, or prepaid SIM cards. That makes it our new Editors' Choice for unlocked cell phones. It's also one of The Best Unlocked Phones .
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Design and Call Quality The Nokia C3-01 Touch & Type looks and feels classy. It measures 4.4 by 1.9 by 0.4 inches (HWD) and weighs 3.5 ounces. The aluminum housing and tapered battery cover make the C3-01 comfortable to hold for long periods. My test model was silver; a charcoal gray version is also available. The 2.4-inch, plastic resistive touch screen sports 240-by-320-pixel resolution. Unlike the larger Nokia C6 ($249, 2.5 stars), the C3's screen was accurate and responsive to my touches. The numeric keypad features large but heavily recessed keys. Dialing numbers felt a bit stiff, but I got used to it quickly.
The Nokia C3-01 is a quad-band EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) and quad-band HSDPA 10.2 (850/900/1900/2100) device with 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi. That makes it perfect for overseas travel, as the C3-01 can hit high-speed data networks both here and in many other countries. I tested the C3 with an AT&T SIM; a T-Mobile SIM will work fine, but you'll be limited to 2G speeds in the U. S.
Call quality was okay, but not great in my tests. Callers said my voice sounded about average through the C3-01's tiny microphone. On my side of the call, voices sounded muffled and distant, and there wasn't enough gain for noisier offices even with the volume maxed out. Reception was average. Calls sounded clear through an Aliph Jawbone Icon ($99, 4 stars) Bluetooth headset. There's no voice dialing of any kind, Bluetooth or otherwise. The speakerphone sounded clear and full, although it didn't go quite as loud as I would have liked. Battery life was average at 4 hours and 41 minutes of talk time.
Operating System and Apps The Series 40 6th Edition OS is easy enough to get around, and isn't the complex nightmare that Series 60 has become over the years. The well-calibrated touch screen only helps matters. Nokia doesn't publish a CPU spec for the C3-01, but the phone feels much more responsive than the admittedly more ambitious Nokia C6 does.
Otherwise, you get a fairly standard software complement for a Series 40 phone. Nokia's WebKit browser is a newer addition, and it's pretty usable, but the low screen resolution and small size mean that you're better off sticking with WAP pages. There are built-in Nokia Messaging e-mail, IM, and threaded SMS apps. All are reasonably powerful, but considering the phone's numeric keypad, the "Type" portion of the C3-01's name is a bit of a stretch. Get something with a QWERTY keyboard or larger touch screen if you plan on handling a lot of e-mail. There's also no GPS, so keep that in mind.
Multimedia, Camera, and Conclusions The standard-size 3.5-mm headphone jack is welcome. Nokia buried the microSD card slot underneath the battery cover, but accessing it was easy enough; my 32GB SanDisk card worked fine. There is only 23MB of free internal memory. Music tracks sounded clear and full over Motorola S9-HD Bluetooth headphones ($129, 3.5 stars). The music player was fun to use and displays large album art thumbnails. There's also an FM radio. There are no options to buy music over the air, but that's not a huge loss. Standalone videos played smoothly in full-screen mode and looked sharp, although the 2.4-inch LCD is a limiting factor for video playback.
The 5-megapixel camera comes with an LED flash, though it lacks auto-focus. Test photos looked very good: sharp, natural, and well lit both indoors and out. Shutter speeds were fast, and it was easy to navigate the camera's various settings. Nokia includes image rotation, color, and contrast controls for some basic on-device photo editing. Recorded 640-by-480-pixel videos were a little jerky at 15 frames per second, but they were usable.
All told, the Nokia C3-01 Touch & Type is a great second phone for use overseas, or for anyone that doesn't like being tied to a contract here in the U. S. The Sony Ericsson Naite ($149, 4 stars) is still a fine choice, and it's $30 cheaper. But you lose the touch screen and standard-size headphone jack, and the Naite doesn't have nearly as good a camera as the Nokia C3-01. If you want a QWERTY keyboard, the Nokia E5 ($229, 3 stars) offers a pretty comfortable one, plus GPS, and its Series 60 OS makes it a real smartphone that runs thousands of third-party apps. It also lacks a touch screen, though, and it's made of plastic instead of aluminum. Worse, the OS is a lot more complicated; existing Symbian fans will take to the E5, but everyone else will have an easier time with the C3-01.
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Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type review
The Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type is a candybar handset with a small screen and a simple numeric keypad. Like its near-namesake the BlackBerry-alike C3-00. the C3-01 Touch and Type is designed to be a low cost, easy to use messaging fan's handset.
It will set you back £150 SIM free, so it isn't exactly going to break the bank, but for that kind of expense you do want a bit more than a pocket-money toy.
In many ways, it's reminiscent of the Nokia 6700 Classic. which we thought was, well, a classic handset from Nokia. No touchscreen there, but it had the sane metallic candybar design and screamed premium.
As its name suggests, the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type brings touchscreen sensitivity to this most basic of handset formats. If you want simple messaging, a little Facebook and Twitter action and a handset that neither weighs you down nor requires a degree in User-Interface-Onomics to get to grips with, then the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type sounds on paper as though it could be your best pal.
But that ain't necessarily so, as we'll see later.
First, though, let's look at the physical design, which is really good. The use of metal in the chassis, most notably for the backplate, lends an air of solidity to the feel while also giving the innards a reasonable amount of protection against drops and knocks.
The rounded edges and curved corners help the phone feel comfy in the hand, and its overall size of 111 x 47.5 x 11mm and its weight of 100g mean it's easy to drop into all but the very smallest of pockets.
Nokia has thought carefully about side buttons and connectors, too. The bottom and left sides are completely clear. On top, there's a headset connector, micro-USB connector and the small round plug for charging the battery.
On the right side is a volume rocker, screen-lock button and camera button.
While you won't find a smartphone-like cornucopia of features here, the range is reasonably solid. There's 30MB of built-in memory and a microSD card slot under the backplate. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and 3G are on-board, but there's no GPS though and the operating system is S40 6th Edition (ie enhanced for touch).
Current page: Nokia C3-01 review: Overview
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Nokia C3 Mobile Price
On August 07, 2011
Nokia mobile is the leader in all mobile companies in all over the world. It is one of the most known and standard mobile company in India. It’s almost all range of mobile phones is unique and handsome having innovative features. It is the most trustworthy brand and undoubtedly users are quite satisfied with this brand. Now Nokia has launched its new range of C3 in the market which is the most compact messenger mobile available. The design of Nokia C3 is very sleek.
Nokia C3 looks expensive; it has a beautiful metallic finish and has a full Blackberry like - QWERTY keypad. This is the first QWERTY phone by nokia mobile in the market. Brands like Micromax and Spice already have such phones at similar price point, so it would be interesting to watch what impact Nokia India makes in this segment. Nokia C3 has 2MP camera but it has no flash facility. Still the camera is good for well lit environment. Nokia C3 mobile has no 3G internet facility but it has Wi-Fi which generally available only in the mobiles of Rs. 10,000 or above. It is very light weight, just 116g with lithium-ion battery type.
The in-built memory of Nokia C3 is high enough i. e. 42MB and externally it supports the 32GB micro SD card. This Nokia mobile is very good for social networking and internet surfing as it is pre-installed wit Opera Mini but the only disadvantage is that it does not support multi-tasking. But Nokia C3 runs on J2ME application, it has applications including Facebook and twitter. It has a customized home screen. You can add your favourite contacts just on the top of the screen with their pictures also. This facility of Nokia C3 provides you their call and message details and through you can call them instantly. The Nokia C3 price in Hyderabad is approximately Rs. 6027/- while the Nokia C3 price in Mumbai is nearly Rs. 5770/- only.
Nokia mobile has various range available near this price list but this Nokia mobile is one of the best with high quality features, TFT screen, excellent basic features and its sound quality. It is a young generation mobile with three colour variants - Blue, hot pink and golden handset. The hot pink Nokia C3 is most popular among girls. If you are really interested for buying this Nokia mobile, you can visit khojle. It is a free classified portal which provides you all information regarding price list, mobile stores and others. Also you will be able to see other range of mobiles including Nokia mobiles, Samsung, Micromax, Lava etc.
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Nokia C3-01 Price in Philippines
About Nokia C3-01
Product Description for Nokia C3-01
The Nokia C3-01 features a 2.4 inch LCD transmissive screen display with a 320X240 pixel resolution. It sported a Touch with Alphanumeric Keypad phone design with dedicated hardware keys that include a Camera Key, Volume Keys and 3 Labelled Soft Keys. The C3 runs on Series 40 operating system and has a 64MB RAM, SDRAM memory of 128MB which can be expanded up to 32GB via the micro SD card slot.
The device connects to 2G and 3G networks and comes with WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. It is supplied with a 1050mAh battery with a maximum talk time of 5.6 hours, GSM standby time of 405 hours and maximum standby time of 18 days.
In terms of productivity features, the handset comes with many personal information management applications including Digital Clock, Recorder, Calculator, Calendar, Notes, Converter, Analogue Clock, Reminders, Fixed Dialling Number and a To-do List. Email solutions include Nokia Messaging and Nikia Messaging 3.0. On the other hand, you can send messages as SMS, MMS + SMIL, AMS and IM. For browsing the internet, you can use the Nokia Browser or the WebKit Open Source Browser.
The Nokia C3-01 comes with a primary 5MP camera with 2592X1944 pixel resolution and LED flash. Other camera features include 4x digital zoom, sequence mode, still image editor, full screen viewfinder, self-timer and full focus. You can choose from the many image capturing modes based on colour tome, white balance and scene. Photos can be viewed by Slide Show, Album and Timeline.
As for taking video, the handset is capable of capturing 480pvideos. It supports several video playback codecs and file formats and feature video recorder, video streaming and video player.
Meanwhile, audio features include Music Player, Audio Streaming, audio streaming, handsfree speaker, Bluetooth stereo, MP3 ringtones, FM radio and audio recorder. It also supports many music codes and formats.
Other applications include Java games, Flight Mode, VoIP and Nokia Store. The device is available in White, Green and Silver and sold at around Php 7400.
There is no denying the Nokia C3-01 is solidly built and features a good number pad. The customisable home screen and second customisable shortcuts screen are certainly advantageous features.
There are several issues with the Nokia C3-01 which will make you think twice. For starters, it has no GPS. The processor is also challenged at times and it is at time fiddly to use.
WhatsApp Nokia C3
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WhatsApp Nokia C3 5 out of 5
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Nokia C3-01 Price in India & Caracteristicas
Nokia, one of the leading mobile phone supplier in the World has announced the release of its touch and type mobile phone namely, Nokia C3-01 in India. The latest handset runs on Symbian S40 operating system, and offers various types of connectivity options such as 3G HSDPA 10.2 Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, and Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP respectively. It has full of outstanding features i. e. 2.4 inches resistive touchscreen display with alphanumeric keypad, 5 megapixel camera with LED flash, Stereo FM radio with RDS, Nokia Messaging 3.0 etc.
Nokia C3-01 Mobile Phone Features
2.4 inches resistive touchscreen display with alphanumeric keypad
5 megapixel camera with LED flash
Offers 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, & Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP connectivity
Runs on Symbian S40 operating system
Supports up to 32GB micro SD memory card slot
Supports WAP 2.0/xHTML, & HTML browser
Supports social networking services
Internal memory of 30 MB
Adobe FlashLite support
Includes standard Li-Ion 1050 mAh battery
Stereo FM radio with RDS
Supports video, & music players
Nokia Messaging 3.0
Micro USB 2.0 port
Nokia Messaging 3.0
FM radio,& 3.5mm audio jack
The most awaited touch and type handset includes 3.5mm audio jack, internal memory of 30 MB, and standard Li-Ion 1050 mAh battery which provides up to 3 hours 20 minutes talk time in 2G network while in 3G network provides 5 hours 40 minutes talk time as well as stand by time up to 440 hours in 2G network and up to 405 hours in 3G network. It can record VGA video at 15 frames per second and also provides up to 38 hours music playback battery life.
Price in India – Nokia C3-01 will be available at the price tag of Rs. 9389 in India soon.
How to Unlock Nokia C3 ?
1 - Allumez votre téléphone sans carte SIM,
2 - Comme si faire un appel téléphonique, sur votre clavier téléphonique composer:
La lettre P apparait en appuyant 3 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)
La lettre W apparait en appuyant 4 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)
La lettre + apparait en appuyant 2 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)
3-Le téléphone affiche "SIM Restriction Off"
* Nokia C3 a été débloqué
Cómo desbloquear Nokia C3?
1 - Encienda su teléfono sin tarjeta SIM,
2 - Como si estuviera haciendo una llamada telefónica, en su teclado componen:
# PW+ unlockcode +1#
La letra P aparece después de pulsar 3 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)
La letra W aparece después de pulsar 4 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)
La carta + aparece después de pulsar 2 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)
3-El teléfono aparecerá "Restricción SIM Off"
* Nokia C3 se ha desbloqueado ahora
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Unlocking by code Nokia C3
How to unlock Nokia C3 by code ? Unlocking Nokia C3 by code is very easy, it is also safest and non-invasive method of unlocking your phone. To get code for unlock Nokia C3 You need to provide IMEI number of Your Nokia. Type on keyboard *#06# or remove battery from Your Nokia C3 to check IMEI number. IMEI is written on the information label as shown in this picture .
Recent comment about unlocking Nokia C3
No i wszystko piкknie dziaіa :D xd
For Nokia C3 You can check Video Help
Video Help film shows what You should do, to enter an unlock code to Nokia C3.
How to enter code in Nokia C3 ?
If the code counter in the device is blocked. You need to reset the counter by using an USB cable and the given program How to enter Unlock code RESET COUNTER to nokia using USB cable
Second unlocking option
How to enter the following sequence #pw+123456789012345+1#: 1. Turn on the phone without any sim card inserted 2. Select character # on the keypad 3. Characters p, w, + will appear by pressing the STAR * symbol a few times 4. Press # button to confirm the code 5. Message "SIM restriction OFF" will appear. Your phone is now unlocked
ADVERTENCIA. You have only 3 attempts to enter the code. The last failed attempt will block the counter.
Available options for unlock Nokia C3
No i wszystko piкknie dziaіa :D xd
XXX. LLL (. 1-1-10-188.dynamic. gprs. plus. pl) date 2016-03-18 21:00:47
Exelente servicio cumple con los plazos y la efectividad al 100%. RECOMENDADO
yamil maximiliano (. 181-104-116.telecom. net. ar) date 2016-02-26 17:07:40
todo bien, pero demora demasiado, y no mantienen informado al usuario dia por dia, ya que es de importancia la liberaciуn de un tel
javier (. 13-152-32.supercanal. com. ar) date 2016-01-26 14:15:27
Ninguno de los dos cуdigos funciono, por favor ruego soluciуn prбctica, fбcil y definitiva.¿El cуdigo que me envнan es igual al denominado CУDIGO DE RESTRICCIУN
jairo Alonso (. ic-IP-1861459850.cable. net. co) date 2016-01-12 19:02:16
Je suis très satisfait et en plus très rapide je le recommande.
adc (. 3-76-69.trs. modulonet. fr) date 2015-12-07 14:09:20
wszystko gra tylko czemu tak drogo
Dariusz (. 5-176-180.cable-modem. tkk. net. pl) date 2015-10-20 19:07:22
Gracias, Muy Buen Servicio.
jorge (. ionegro. com. ar) date 2015-10-10 13:48:17
Même pas après 24h j'avais dйjà mon code. merci à vous :)
Nicolas (. 262c. access. telenet. be) date 2015-10-05 21:49:01
Profesjonalna obsluga klienta i szybkie zrealizowanie zlecenia. Bezproblemowy kontakt ze sklepem. ¦ci±gniecie simlocka bez wychodzenia z domu tylko na tej stronie. Jedyny istniejacy minus to troszkк za wysoka cena.
Dagmara (. 46.5.119.nat. umts. dynamic. t-mobile. pl) date 2015-10-05 10:22:26
He liberado mi celular con el cуdigo que me enviaron, me funciono a la perfecciуn. El servicio es excelente y confiable. Me enviaron el cуdigo en menos del plazo fijado.
Oscar (. 87-142-139-143-dyn. prod-infinitum. com. mx) date 2015-09-26 05:41:51
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Nokia C3
Nokia C3 Review PhoneArena reviews the Nokia C3. One of the features Nokia touts for its Cseries line is "messaging for the masses". The Finnish company made a name for.
Demo del Nokia C3 Felipe Ramos de Nokia Training hace una demostraciГіn de las funciones del C3. MГЎs informaciГіn en http://tecnodatum. com/noticias-de/nokia.
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Problemas y soluciones Nokia C3 Aqui se detallan algunos de los problemas mas comunes en este equipo y como se le pueden dar solucion.
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Handy Blacklist дарит Вам удовольствие от общения по телефону и обеспечивает приватную атмосферу, защищая от нежелательных звонков. Не тратьтесь на вызовы с неизвестных и неугодных номеров – блокируйте их!
С Handy Blacklist Вы сами выбираете когда и для кого Вы доступны!
Поддерживаемые языки: болгарский, китайский, чешский, датский, голландский, английский, финский, французский, немецкий, венгерский, итальянский, японский, латвийский, литовский, норвежский, португальский, румынский, русский, словенский, испанский, сербский, шведский, турецкий.
Совместимость: смартфоны Nokia Symbian S60 Nokia E-series . Nokia 5700, 6110, 6120, 3250, 5500, 6290, 6121, N71, N73, N80, N81, N75, N76, N77, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, LG KS10 JoY, Samsung SGH-i400, i520.
Возможности Handy Blacklist для Nokia C3-00:
Основные преимущества Handy Blacklist:
Получайте только те звонки, которые хотите благодаря двум типам списков телефонных контактов! С Handy Blacklist у Вас есть один «черный список» и один или несколько «белых списков» (активен может быть только один список).
Блокируйте нежелательные телефонные номера, звонки с неизвестных номеров, а также номера с антиопределителем! Вы можете добавлять телефонные номера в «черный список» самостоятельно или из списка сброшенных телефонных звонков. При сбрасывании звонка, телефонный номер автоматически добавляется в «черный список».
Заносите в «белый список» номера, допустимые для входящих звонков.
Задавайте продолжительность активности для обоих типов списков.
Узнавайте о непринятых звонках с помощью просмотра списков заблокированных вызовов в приложении, из которого Вы можете добавить номер в «белый список», а также позвонить по этому номеру и отправить смс.
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Nokia C3 QWERTY Phone – Price And Features
Nokia C3 is QWERTY phone with looks similar to the Nokia E71. It features a 2.4 inch screen with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. It also has dedicated Messaging and Contacts keys, along with Wi-Fi connectivity round off a solid package that will give the right user all the performance they need.
Nokia C3 is quite a looker with its tapered edges, metal back and glossy front. It also has the social networking integration with the popular sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Communities and Chat can work in the background, keeping you always online.
Nokia C3 Features
2.4 inch screen, resolution 320 x 240
Full QWERTY Keyboard
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Micro USB 2.0
2 MP camera with resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels
Internal memory 55 MB, expandable up to 8 GB, 2GB included
3.5 mm audio jack, FM radio with RDS
Nokia C3 Price
Nokia C3 is possibly the cheapest Wi-Fi QWERTY phone, and it is priced at a nominal price of INR 5300 i. e USD 120
The best of both worlds - touch screen and keypad - in Nokia X3-02, Nokia C3-01
MANILA, Philippines - Nokia has announced the availability of its latest handsets — the Nokia X3-02 and Nokia C3-01 — which boast of a unique combination of a touch screen and traditional 12-button phone keypad.
Nokia’s affordable “touch and type” phones allow users to tap quickly on the touch screen, as well as enjoy the familiarity of the full keypad for quickfire text messages and phone calls.
“Innovation is not just a high-end game. The Nokia X3-02 and Nokia C3-01 devices are both great examples of bringing new consumer value to lower price points,” said Benoit Nalin, general manager of Nokia Philippines.
“With the Nokia X3-02 and Nokia C3-01 we are giving young consumers the best of both worlds by combining a touch screen and a keypad in one device. We made the screen larger with clear icons and menus (and) kept critical keys such as the send and end keys,” he said.
“We have designed the Nokia X3-02 and Nokia C3-01 to be touch and type devices because typing is ideal for SMS and social networking where fast and frequent input is needed, while touch is ideal for functions such as setting alarms, smooth browsing and controlling applications like music and games,” Nalin said.
He added that Nokia’s research revealed that consumers who have invested years in becoming fast one-handed, one-thumb texters want to maintain their speedy edge for SMS, chat and instant messaging — yet enjoy the benefits of touch as well.
Negocios (Artículo MRec), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
The Nokia X3-02 has a sleek and modern design coming in at a very thin 9.6 mm, making it one of the slimmest Nokia phones ever.
It slips easily into the purse or the pocket, and looks the part with its brushed aluminum back cover which comes in five vibrant colors designed to suit any mood or wardrobe — dark metal, silver white, pink, lilac and blue.
Despite its size, the Nokia X3-02 is jampacked with features that include 3G, WLAN, music player and FM radio.
Lovers of the snapshot and social networks will enjoy a great five-megapixel camera with 4x digital zoom that can take both still and video images.
This sleek handset also features dedicated music and messaging keys to allow instant connection to important Ovi services, including social and entertainment applications.
In addition to Ovi Mail, users’ favorite consumer e-mail and chat accounts can be pushed direct to the phone via Nokia Messaging.
With a gentle glide over the Nokia X3-02’s touch screen, users can go online and get access to many services, including hundreds of apps from the Ovi Store.
The Nokia C3-01, on the other hand, is an affordable design classic that features a full stainless steel body and a 2.4-inch QVGA display that boasts of up to 262k colors.
Perfect for the fashion-savvy techie, this stylishly modern device offers a classic yet contemporary feel, thanks to the classically colored cover that comes in warm gray, silver and khaki gold.
The timeless beauty of this touch and type device is complemented by a host of great features that include 3G, WLAN, music player, FM radio, and a five-megapixel camera with flash.
It also lets users connect quickly to e-mail and instant messaging and allows them to tune the device for apps, themes or games of their choice from the Ovi Store with an easy touch.
Posting and sharing on Facebook and Twitter is also a breeze with the Communities client. It also supports up to 32GB memory card.
The Nokia X3-02 and Nokia C3-01 are priced at P8,999 and P9,770, respectively, and are now available in Nokia stores nationwide.
Nokia C3 review:
The C3 is Nokia's latest messaging phone aimed at those who find the company's business-orientated E-series handsets too stuffy. Packed with social-networking features and sporting a full Qwerty keyboard, the handset aims to provide you with everything you need to stay up-to-date with your social circle.
With Vodafone currently offering the C3 for £80 on a pay as you go deal, it's one of the most affordable messaging phones around. You can also pick it up for around £130 SIM-free.
How very BlackBerry Despite its low price, the C3 feels remarkably solid. It's available in three different colours: grey, gold and lurid pink. The front of the phone has a classy-looking glossy finish, while the battery cover on the rear is made from aluminium, which is a surprisingly upmarket touch for a phone in this price range.
The C3 is reminiscent of a BlackBerry in terms of its design, with a landscape screen sitting above a full Qwerty keyboard. The screen's 320x240-pixel resolution isn't exactly earth-shattering, but, as it's only a 61mm (2.4-inch) display, the pixels are packed quite closely together, so text and graphics still look pretty sharp.
The display works well with most of the phone's menus and apps, but it feels rather cramped when you're using the Web browser. Sadly, unlike the Orange Rio. the C3 doesn't have a touchscreen. Instead, you have to rely on the square four-way button under the display to move through menus and scroll around Web pages.
Finger-friendly keyboard The screen may be something of a compromise, but the same can't be said of the keyboard. It has the same bubble-style keys as those found on Nokia's more expensive E-series handsets and it's an absolute pleasure to use. The keys have enough travel to give you a decent amount of feedback as you type and their layout is fantastic. Commonly used punctuation marks have their own dedicated keys and there's also a generously sized spacebar. As a result, you can speedily tap out emails and input Web addresses, for example.
The phone is built around Nokia's Series 40 operating system, rather than the Series 60 OS that's used on the company's higher-end mobiles. The Series 40 user interface looks quite dated now and the OS isn't always as intuitive as it could be. Nevertheless, the home screen has been updated so it has three panels. The top one shows your favourite contacts, the middle one displays updates from Facebook and Twitter. and the bottom one provides shortcuts to a range of applications, such as the email client, Web browser and camera.
Dive into the main menu and you'll find a dedicated messaging hub that brings together your emails, texts and instant messages in one place. Setting the phone up to work with our existing Gmail account was a breeze -- all we had to do was enter our email address and password. It's a similar story with the IM client, which supports a range of services, including Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger and Nokia's own Ovi system.
Nokia C3 Review
This is a global GSM phone, it can be used with AT&T and T-Mobile USA.
One of the features Nokia touts for its Cseries line is “messaging for the masses”. The Finnish company made a name for itself with the excellent thumbboard devices from the Eseries, providing a Symbian alternative for fans of the BlackBerry form factor. The Nokia C3 is its first QWERTY messenger to be powered by Series 40 - still the most widespread mobile platform in the world.
On top of that, it provides great alternative to the ever more popular homescreen widgets by allowing you access to social networking directly from the home screen. Easy SNS access usually implies that the phone is targeting the younger crowd, and so it should come in some flashy colors, and at a bargain basement price. The Nokia C3 check-marks all these, but let's see if it manages to succeed in the details.
What's in the box
Nokia C3
Headset with microphone
2GB microSD card
We got the Slate Grey version, which has more of a bluish hue, and looks stylish nonetheless. There are also the Hot Pink and Golden White color variants of the Nokia C3, and all have metallic finish at the front. The back, where we have the 2MP camera, has a two-colored design. There is an aluminum battery cover in the middle with the front panel color without the metallic finish, and the rest is black plastic, including the sides.
The Nokia C3 looks stylish
You can compare the Nokia C3 with many other phones using our Size Visualization Tool.
On the left hand side are the microUSB and microSD slots, the top houses the charging port and the 3.5 audio jack and that's all. The only other elements are two small buttons down at both sides that help you easily eject the battery cover.
The regular 2.4” LCD screen with QVGA resolution doesn’t have any touch layers over or under it, and it remains pretty visible under direct sunlight. Right underneath it are the two programmable soft keys, followed by two chrome-like action keys, and finishing down with the send and end buttons. The action keys on both sides of the square D-Pad complement nicely its chrome-like rim, and can be assigned to different tasks. Out of the box the one on the left of the D-Pad starts the Communities app, and the one on the right fires up Messaging, but you can assign different actions to them, which makes the default labeling next to them redundant.
The Nokia C3 thumbboard is where the added value comes from, and it has the same four row layout and roughly the same keys as the E-series keyboards, but is slightly curved downwards and thus more comfortable to type. The handset is very compact, almost too much so, so we were worried we would be often mistyping with our sausage digits. Much to our surprise, though, we kept pressing the correct convex key among the bunch of other keys around, and typing soon sped up significantly. The keyboard is backlit in white like the rest of the physical buttons in the front, with the exception of the ubiquitous green and red for answering and closing a call.
The Nokia C3 is comfortable to type
The overall design reminds very much of the smallest Eseries phones from Nokia, which gives it a classy more expensive look; the metal plate over the battery is a thoughtful touch as well. Nokia has gone so far as to even skin the interface to look like the ones on the Eseries devices, so you can easily fool everyone around that you are typing away on a business-class smartphone.
Nokia C3 360 Degrees View:
Not available in mobile version
Nokia C3
Overview of Nokia C3
Nokia C3 is a QWERTY bar featured phone announced in 2010. It runs on S40 operating system. It has dimensions 115.5 mm height, 58 mm width, 13.6 mm thickness and weighs 114 g. It's Volume is 63.2 cm3. Its QWERTY keyboard resembles with earlier Nokia 6800 series models. This model possesses a camera of 2 MP with photo resolution 1600x1200 pixels and video recording option is also available with resolution of 320x240 pixels. Phone has 2.4 inch QVGA screen and supported with 55MB internal memory which can be extended up to 8GB using micro SD. The Nokia C3 is powered via its BL-5J 1320mAh Li-Ion battery which has maximum 7hrs talk time and 800 hrs. standby time and has music playback time maximum 30hrs at offline mode.
User Interface and comfort to use Nokia C3
Nokia C3 users can set up email and chat accounts from device itself because phone has installed with Ovi Chat and Ovi mail . You can access Facebook and twitter directly from home as it is features push mail and SNS.
Messaging and Emails
Nokia C3 offers keypad style messaging experience. This is inconvenient for typing messages. Phone supports SMS, MMS+SMIL, AMS, IM . Nokia Messaging, Nokia Mail etc. One splendid feature of this phone is text-to-speech message reader.
Gallery, Photo Viewer and Video quality
You are able to play back video in MPEG-4, QCIF maximum resolution of 320x240 . video file format is H.263, H.264, AVI, MPEG-4.
Music Player and FM Radio of Nokia C3
Phone has loud speaker of clear sound quality . Music will play nicely on the device and you can organize your play list into album, artist and genre options. FM radio is equipped with stereo feature.
Phonebook of Nokia C3
The phone book memory is designed to store 1000 number of contacts .
Camera and Image Quality
Phone supported with 2MP camera having photo resolution of 1600x1200 pixels . Camera is equipped with features like 4x digital zoom, sequence mode, full viewfinder, self-timer and full focus minimum focus range is 50cm. It lacks LED flash means camera will not work in dark.
Connectivity Options
Nokia C3 equipped with Wi-Fi security modes WPA, WEP, Micro USB, Nokia micro USB, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR . Multimedia Transfer Protocol, WLAN support 802.11b/g. It supports for Opera mini browser and Nokia browser. Social networking apps preinstalled in handset lets you access your contacts.
Distinctive Features of Nokia C3
Nokia C3 performs much better that a media and internet device. Call quality is good even in loud environment. Battery life is good as it packs 1320mAh battery. It also gets 1-click access to various social networking sites, including image uploads, via Nokia's communities app.
Value for Money
Nokia C3 is available at a price of INR 5199 (approx. may vary).
Nokia C3 is a mid-range phone with QWERTY keypad . The phone has a lot of useful features to satisfy the needs of the target customers. The phone runs on Symbian Series 40 OS, which is commonly found in many Nokia smartphones.
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I am using Nokia C-3 Last one year and its a very Interesting quality have. Amazing functions, best features - you can open any mail in this mobile, your personal server mail also. u can be on line whole time on face book, twiter, gtalk also can open Mobile linkedin in this Mobile. Ovi Nokia is also a best features in it. Best Look, better keypad and a long battery also.
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Code to reset the Nokia c3-00 mobile
1.- Basic Reset or Soft Reset for nokia c3-00
This option restores the. ini files from the ROM. Does not erase data (photos, videos, documents) or applications from a third party. Key Code *# 7780 # (click this combination of keys on the keyboard in the mobile)
2.- Total Reset or Hard Reset for nokia c3-00
This option restores the original operating system from the ROM. Formats the C: partition and deletes all data including the memory card. Key Code *#7370# (click this combination of keys on the keyboard in the mobile)
You can also achieve Total Reset by pressing and holding down following keys: * + 3 + Green Button (call) immediately after turning the mobile on.
Important: To proceed to reset . the battery must be full and the mobile device connected to the charger. If during the course of reset, the mobile stop receiving electricity it can ruin the internal flash memory of the mobile device and stop function.
Nokia c3-00 specifications
Screen Resolution 320 x 240 Screen Color Depth 18 bit Screen Size 2.4 Display Technology LCD transmissive Device Size 115.5 x 58.1 x 13.6 mm Volume 63.2 cc Weight 114 g Keypad QWERTY Keyboard Other Keys 3 Labeled Soft Keys 5-way Scrolling Contacts Key Messaging Key Frequency Bands GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 850 GSM 900 Data Bearers EGPRS GPRS WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g Regional Availability Africa, Asia-Pacific, BRAZIL, CHINA, Eurasia, Europe, INDIA, Latin America, Middle East, North America, SEAP UAProfile Link Profile Consumer Link Device Home Page Developer Page Link Developer Home Page Java Technology JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.1 JSR 248 Mobile Service Architecture Subset for CLDC JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API JSR 82 Java™ APIs for Bluetooth 1.1 JSR 172 J2ME™ Web Services Specification (RPC package) JSR 172 J2ME™ Web Services Specification (XML Parser package) JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME™ (SATSA-APDU package) JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME™ (SATSA-CRYPTO package) JSR 179 Location API for J2ME™ 1.0 JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME™ 1.1 JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 JSR 211 Content Handler API JSR 226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements 1.1 (audio3d) JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements 1.1 (camera)[1] JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements 1.1 (music) Nokia UI API 1.1 JSR 135 Mobile Media API 1.2 Java API Access Permissions Java API Access Permissions Certificates UTI Root Notes 1 Contains: CameraControl, SnapshotControl, FlashControl, FocusControl and ZoomControl Browser Details HTML over TCP/IP Opera Mini WAP 2.0 WebKit Open Source Browser XHTML over TCP/IP Flash Technology Flash Lite 3.0 Flash Lite Features Screensaver Wall Paper Camera Resolution 1600 x 1200 CMOS Sensor 2.0 Megapixel Camera Digital Zoom 4 x Camera Focus range 50 cm to infinity Camera Image Formats JPEG Camera Features Extended Depth of Field, Full Screen Viewfinder, Self Timer, Sequence Mode Video Recording Resolution 176 x 144 Video Recording Frame Rate 15 fps Video Digital Zoom 4 x Video Recording Formats H.263, MPEG-4 Video Features Video Player Video Recorder Video Streaming Video Playback Formats 3GPP formats (H.263), H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, WMV Graphic Formats BMP, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, M3G, PNG, SVG-T, WBMP Theme Version Series 40 Theme v3.0 Suggested Theme Template Series 40 Simple UI Audio Features Audio Recorder AMR Audio Streaming Bluetooth Stereo Music Player Audio Formats AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 8, SP-MIDI, True tones, WAV, WMA 10 Pro, WMA 9 Maximum User Storage 55 MB NAND Memory 128 MB SDRAM Memory 64 MB Memory Card type Micro SD Memory Card Features Hot Swap Maximum Memory Card Size 8 GB Maximum Heap Size 2 MB Maximum JAR Size 2 MB Local Connectivity Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR Micro USB MTP (Multimedia Transfer Protocol) Nokia AV 3.5mm Nokia microUSB Cable CA-101 Bluetooth Profiles DUN, FTP, GAP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, OPP, PAN, PBAP, SAP, SDAP, SPP WLAN support 802.11b/g Messaging AMS, IM, MMS+SMIL, SMS Messaging Features OMA Instant Messaging and Presence Service v1.2.1 OMA Multimedia Messaging Service v1.3 Email Solutions Nokia Messaging 3.0 Ovi Mail Oz Email Supported Email Protocols IMAP4, POP3, SMTP Power Management 2.0mm Charger Connector Battery model BL-5J 3.7V 1320mAh Talk Time up to 7.0 hours Standby Time up to 33 days Audio Features Audio Recorder AMR Handsfree Speaker MP3 Ringtones Stereo FM RDS Radio Audio Formats AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, AWB, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 24), Mobile XMF, MP3, SP-MIDI, WAV, WMA Maximum User Storage 10 MB SDRAM Memory 16 MB NOR memory 64 MB Memory Card type Micro SD Memory Card Features Hot Swap Maximum Memory Card Size 32 GB Maximum Heap Size 1 MB Maximum JAR Size 1 MB Local Connectivity Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR Micro USB Nokia AV 3.5mm Bluetooth Profiles DUN, FTP, GAP, HFP, HSP, OPP, PAN, PBAP, SAP, SDAP, SPP Messaging IM, MMS+SMIL, SMS Messaging Features OMA Multimedia Messaging Service v1.3 Email Solutions Native Email Client Nokia Messaging Supported Email Protocols IMAP4, POP3, SMTP Power Management 2.0mm Charger Connector Battery model BL-5C 3.7V 1020mAh Talk Time up to 4.0 hours Standby Time up to 16 days
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Ponsel berbasis Series 40 ini akan support untuk jaringan quad band GSM 850/900/1800/1900 dan HSDPA 850/900/1900/2100. Fitur lain yang juga menjadi bagian dari ponsel ini di antaranya layar a 2.4-inch QVGA resistive touchscreen, prosesor 1GHz, HSDPA up to 10.2 Mbps dan HSUPA up to 2 Mbps, WLAN b/g/n standar, kamera 5 MP fixed-focus dengan LED flash dan slot kartu MicroSD yang dapat menampung data hingga 32GB.
Tak hanya itu, Nokia C3-01 Gold Edition juga dibekali prosesor 1 GHz dan keyboard berbahan keramik yang cocok untuk dipadukan dengan casing emasnya.
Nokia telah mengumumkan ponsel berlapis emas yaitu seri C3-01 Gold Edition. Ponsel ini adalah ponsel C3-01 Touch and Type yang sama dengan versi orisinalnya, hanya saja casing dari ponsel ini telah dilapisi emas 18 karat yang membuat ponsel ini terlihat begitu mewah.
OVERVIEW: The Nokia C3 Features a 2+ Megapixel Camera, A2DP, Bluetooth, Calendar, Camera, Candy Bar Form, Edge, Email Client, FM Radio, High-Speed Data GPRS, Megapixel Camera, Memory Card Slot, MP3, Qwerty Keyboard, Speaker Phone, Video Capture, Video Clip, Voice Dialing, Wi-Fi
General 2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 Size Dimensions 115.5 x 58.1 x 13.6 mm, 63.2 cc Weight 114 g Display Type TFT, 256K colors Size 320 x 240 pixels, 2.4 inches - Full QWERTY keyboard Sound Alert types Vibration, MP3 ringtones Speakerphone Yes - 3.5 mm audio jack Memory Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall Call records Detailed, max 30 days Internal 55 MB Card slot microSD, up to 16GB Data GPRS Class 32 EDGE Class 32 3G No WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with A2DP Infrared port No USB Yes, v2.0 microUSB Camera Primary 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels Video Yes, QCIF@15fps Secondary No Features Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML (Opera Mini) Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS Games Downloadable GPS No Java Yes, MIDP 2.0 - Social network integration - MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV player - MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player - Flash Lite v3.0 - Voice command/dial - Organizer - T9 Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion 1320 mAh (BL-5J) Stand-by Up to 792 h Talk time Up to 7 h
All optional accessories are available for this product to purchase including, car charger, extra battery, cover, hands-free head phones, and more.
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&dupdo; 1997-2012 OVERSEAS ELECTRONICS Chicago IL. Todos los derechos reservados. OVERSEAS Electronics is not affiliated with any product manufacturer. Products carry manufacturer's warranty only. Logos, trademarks, names, images, etc. are property of their respective companies.
I really fancy this Nokia C3, cause it goes with different adorable colors. Thanks for sharing some features of this Nokia C3, its really interesting. Its qwerty keypad is very lovable.
Penampakan Nokia C3 (Picture Galery) is been the greatest mobile Ever. with the features like 2.4 inch QVGA display,320 x 240 pixel resolution,262K colors, Series 40 User Interface, Full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS/EDGE, Opera Mini, Wi-Fi,2 megapixel camera with 4x digital zoom, Media Player and many more make it the great.
Its looks and its body changing features with many colours also attract the customers and having the other great facalities make them the most user for the customers. Nokia has very easy functionality that all can use it easily.
Nokia is always been the best for the features, its easiness to use and their handset look and many more. Penampakan Nokia C3 has many feautures like the 2.4 inch QVGA display,320 x 240 pixel resolution,262K colors, Series 40 User Interface, Full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS/EDGE, Opera Mini, Wi-Fi,2 megapixel camera with 4x digital zoom and many more to say.
By looking at this post I can only say that Nokia is best in everything, if we look at battery life, features or it looks. It's a perfect mobile for usage. All these colours really looks beautiful.
It seems that nobody can beat Nokia as it is progressing so much and it is one of the best mobile brand. Nokia is quite cool for daily usage and even it's battery life is good.
This is been the greatest mobile Ever. with the features like 2.4 inch QVGA display,320 x 240 pixel resolution,262K colors, Series 40 User Interface, Full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS/EDGE, Opera Mini. Nokia is always been the best for the features, its easiness to use and their handset look and many more.
Nokia was best and it is going to remain best. Nokia mobiles are really easy to use and handle. The best thing about Nokia mobile is its battery life and I think nobody can beat Nokia regarding to this.
By looking at this post I can only say that Nokia is best in everything, if we look at battery life, features or it looks. It's a perfect mobile for usage. This is been the greatest mobile Ever. with the features like 2.4 inch QVGA display,320 x 240 pixel resolution,262K colors, Series 40 User Interface, Full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS/EDGE, Opera Mini. Nokia is always been the best for the features, its easiness to use and their handset look and many more.
Overall, this phone is an excellent performance of the Nokia family. Someone with the desire to own a beautiful phone with all the latest features.
I like that Nokia C3 has nice colors. Specially that green color looks so elegant. Nokia C3 has also good features and this matches with my requirements. I think that I should buy this Nokia C3.
These mobile contains so many advance features. These is one of the excellent performance of Nokia family. These mobile is perfect for usage these all mobile can easily to use by any person. There are available in different different colours are availble for hand sets.
Nokia is one of the best selling in a mobile world. There are so many new features can be available and one of these feature of Nokia C3. In these mobile there are lots of advance features can be available which we can easily use by any person.
Nokia is one of the most know and standard brand for mobiles. When i see first time this mobile in mobile store i like so much and after some days i was buy this mobile and it so nice.
Nokia is well known brand in the market great review of the Penampakan Nokia C3,the most i like about it's available in the different colour and the second its available in the Qwerty key pad and the third battery life.
Nokia gallery shows many pictures on their sited for the newly launched C3.The look is been awesome and so as the features. Main Advantage for the Nokia is been its functionality that can be understand by any people. This factor works a lot it success is well.
Nokia devices are really easy to use and manipulate. The best thing about Nokia is its battery life and I think anyone can beat Nokia in this regard.
Nokia C3 is Awesome with the features as well the looks also. People likes its funtionality a lot. The most probality is its colors and the features like 2 megapixel Camera, Media player, Mini opera,55 Mb inbuit as well the 8GB expandable and many more other funtionality also.
Nokia is well known Brand in the Market and its famous for its quality and features in the phone. Nice review regarding the Penampakan Nokia C3, the most i like regarding phone is that it's available in favors color and the functionality is good.
This sounds like a great phone packed with great features at a great price
Nokia C3 has the new launched series for the Nokia. They have launched with all facilities that bigger user mobile have like the Mini opera, Blutooth, camera, New colors and many more too say about is well.
Nokia has always been the best functionality, ease of use and looks receiver and many C3 more. Penampakan Nokia has many feautures that the 2.4 inch QVGA, 320 x 240 pixel resolution, 262K colors, the user interface Series 40, full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS / EDGE, Opera Mini, WiFi, 2 megapixel camera with 4x digital zoom.
The phone has much progress. This is one of the excellent performance of Nokia family. The mobile is perfect for all use of these phones can easily usable by anyone. Available in various colors are available for games in hand.
His appearance and the changing characteristics of the body with many colors also attract customers and have the other major facalities be as easy to use customers. Nokia has a very easy that everyone can use easily.
Nokia has always been the best features, ease of use and appearance of the Nokia handset, and many more. Penampakan C3 feautures including a 2.4 inch QVGA, 320 x 240 pixels, 262K colors, the new user interface Series 40, full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS / EDGE, Opera Mini, the Wi-Fi, 2 megapixel camera with 4x digital zoom.
Nokia is a recognized brand in the review of Nokia's main markets Penampakan C3, the more I like this topic is available in different colors, and the second its available Qwerty keyboard and the third life.
Its a sound like awesome mobile still I also using Nokia E51 mobile. I want to buy new one so I think this one is better for me. I like that amazing features. Wholesale Flea Market Items
Impressive review regarding the Nokia C3,the features I like Most in the Nokia C3 would be OVI Chat, Opera Mini and the stand by time is awesome.
C3 offers a decent music player. Equally good is the call quality and signal strength. He never dropped a call on me once, but it is not surprising - the phone has suffered all the phones have always been the strength of Nokia.
Nokia rules the market. By any view like features, battery functions, control Nokia is the best. It proves once again with this post as this phone is user friendly and looks great and has enormous features.
Nokia c3 is best mobile and now a days it is very much famous mobile in market. Really it is very best mobile in the nokia world.
Nokia C3 (Picture Galery) is been the greatest adaptable Ever. with the appearance like 2.4 inch QVGA display,320 x 240 pixel resolution,262K colors, Series 40 User Interface, Full QWERTY keyboard, GPRS/EDGE, Opera Mini, Wi-Fi,2 megapixel camera with 4x agenda zoom, Media Player and abounding added accomplish it the great.
Nokia c3 is very looking very decent with different color and it have many functionality for picture gallary.
Nice blog. Nokia is famous and popular company in all over the world. You give nice information about nokia c3. Its look is very nice and have many features in this cell phone.
Wow quite an impressive review regarding the Nokia C3.The phone really looks stylish and the inbuilt features in the phone is quite impressive and good one..
Well here a very good and superb collection of nokia c3. Its colors are awesome, and look wise it is rich.
Nokia C3 is really good phone from Nokia but one problem is I found in this phone that this phone will not support the 3G so lack of 3G is very big disappointment of this phoen.
wow I love it in pink.
Nokia is really easy to use and handle. The best thing about nokia mobile is its power supply and I think nobody can defeat regarding to this.
Awesome colors and really good with quality.
¡Estupendo! The elegant look and conception of these mobiles are really looking mind blowing. As the existing Nokia C3 specifications are really looking helpful to know about this Nokia mobile. Thanks for updating to us such a quality and precious info about it.
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Nokia C3 themes, Free Nokia C3 themes
Nokia C3 themes — Free Nokia C3 themes
Nokia C3 themes compatibility: Full support for SVG themes and 320x240 themes built for S60 3rd edition FP2.
Important: Screenshots shown bellow are taken with a Nokia device that has different screen resolution then Nokia C3. After you select a theme you will find the Nokia C3 theme files in the download section.
Total of 532 themes for Nokia C3.
Alienware Black Steel by LowRyderr
Dry Mudd by LowRyderr
You are currently browsing our collection or free Nokia C3 themes . you can download and install these free themes on your Nokia C3 mobile phone.
Knight Will Fall by LowRyderr
XpressMusic by The Shocker
Nexus Red by FGshah
Purple Light by FGshah
Black Yellow by FGshah
Black Green by FGshah
Black Red by FGshah
Find a theme, install it on your
Black Blue by FGshah
Free Nokia C3 themes — A total of 532 free Nokia C3 themes to download, install and personalize your Nokia C3 mobile phone.
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fc/FreeSymbianThemes? bg=1A1A1A&fg=FFFFFF&anim=1" /> Subscribe to our Free Nokia Symbian S60 themes mailing list and recieve the latest free theme updates directly on your e-mail address.
© Copyright 2007-2016 Free Symbian Themes . Todos los derechos reservados. Política de Privacidad | Terms of Use. Disclaimer: All Nokia themes on Symbian Themes are provided for free and are free for download. We will not charge anything for the Nokia themes but we do not provide technical support for any of the Symbian software products. We do not accept any responsibility for any damage that may be caused by downloading, installing or using these themes or their possible lack of suitability. All themes uploaded on the site are shared by their authors, and by uploading the themes to the site they agree that they have the full copyright rights over the themes and they are providing them for free use / download on www. symbianthemes. us.
Nokia C3
You are more than welcome to read this post. This is a special post about WhatsApp Download for Nokia C3 These days, you should be careful with the Apps and tools you download. Therefore we wrote this review about WhatsApp for this device.
What do you actually know about the Nokia C3? The highlights of this phone such as operating system are described first. The last part gives you an answer to the question: Download WhatsApp or not. There you find the review of WhatsApp for the Nokia C3
Do you have found a better tutorial or explanation? Please share all your useful information via the comment form!
We have described other information in addition to this device. Read more about WhatsApp Tablet. Click on the download button to start directly with the download process.
Can I download free WhatsApp for Nokia C3 . That is a common question! Unfortunately, the answer is very simple. No, it is not possible to download WhatsApp for the Nokia C3. The reason for this is that the Nokia C3 runs on an outdated operating system. Often, you can only use pre-installed applications for this operating system. This means that the download of WhatsApp is not an option. Are you still convinced about all the benefits of WhatsApp? And would you like to start directly with the use of free WhatsApp? Then we advise you to buy a new phone. When it comes to a new phone, you might think of an expensive investment. In that case, there is good news for you as a Nokia C3 user! WhatsApp phones are already available for a relatively low price. For example, think about Samsung devices that are running on the Android operating system. Such devices are robust, easy to use and very affordable. Are you looking for the ultimate user experience? Then an iPhone may be the right phone for you. Please note that iPhone devices are much more expensive than a decent Android device.
Free WhatsApp Download for Nokia C3?
Learn directly more about WhatsApp for the Nokia C3.
About the duo called WhatsApp and the Nokia C3
Sabías? The specifications of the Nokia C3 are not particulary good or strong. This not suprprising since this phone was introduces quite some years ago. If we compare this device with the latest iPhone or Samsung, it just can't compete anymore.
The software of this antiquated device Did you know that the Nokia C3 runs on a operating system that was developed by the manufacturer? Meanwhile, this OS is quite outdated. You can hardly download new Apps for this OS. The download and install of popular Apps like Instagram or WhatsApp is not possible.
WhatsApp Messenger: Can i download and/or install this App for my device? To be honest: The Nokia C3 is just way too old for the download of WhatsApp Messenger. On the Internet you can find some tips and tricks. Please be careful with such tips. They could damage your phone. You can buy some cheap Android phone that supports WhatsApp Messenger
WhatsApp Download
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Unlocking by code Nokia C3-01
How to unlock Nokia C3-01 by code ? Unlocking Nokia C3-01 by code is very easy, it is also safest and non-invasive method of unlocking your phone. To get code for unlock Nokia C3-01 You need to provide IMEI number of Your Nokia. Type on keyboard *#06# or remove battery from Your Nokia C3-01 to check IMEI number. IMEI is written on the information label as shown in this picture .
Recent comment about unlocking Nokia C3-01
No i wszystko piкknie dziaіa :D xd
How to enter code in Nokia C3-01 ?
If the code counter in the device is blocked. You need to reset the counter by using an USB cable and the given program How to enter Unlock code RESET COUNTER to nokia using USB cable
Second unlocking option
How to enter the following sequence #pw+123456789012345+1#: 1. Turn on the phone without any sim card inserted 2. Select character # on the keypad 3. Characters p, w, + will appear by pressing the STAR * symbol a few times 4. Press # button to confirm the code 5. Message "SIM restriction OFF" will appear. Your phone is now unlocked
ADVERTENCIA. You have only 3 attempts to enter the code. The last failed attempt will block the counter.
Available options for unlock Nokia C3-01
No i wszystko piкknie dziaіa :D xd
XXX. LLL (. 1-1-10-188.dynamic. gprs. plus. pl) date 2016-03-18 21:00:47
wszystko gra tylko czemu tak drogo
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brygida (. 3-5-163.adsl. inetia. pl) date 2014-09-11 10:31:04
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Paweі (. date 2014-07-08 18:32:38
Realizacja ekspresowa, super kontakt. Polecam.
Jakub (. pitalpark. pl) date 2014-05-21 12:58:08
Karel (. 3-13-46.tmcz. cz) date 2014-02-13 22:38:39
Zgodnie z umow±, kod przysіano, nawet 2 dni wcze¶niej od ¶redniego zaіoїonego czasu - dziaіa, wszystko ok. Tylko cena kodu to niestety poіowa ceny telefonu, jak kto¶ ma czas moїe pobawiж siк w flaszowanie, ja niestety nie miaіem. Jako¶ж usіugi oceniam wysoko. Pozdrawiam.
Ja (. c-gprs514558.centertel. pl) date 2014-01-30 11:08:00
kod prawidіowy, telefon odblokowaіam bez problemu, jedynie cena mnie wkurza bo to prawiie cena tej nokii ale cуї z sympatii do swojego telefoniku musiaіam. a uczucia kosztuj±
HELENA (. pl) date 2013-12-08 17:26:39
Dlugo czekalam, ale warto bylo. Obsluga klienta na 6
TPA (. date 2013-11-22 21:06:31
Fast efficient no problems :)
Sara (. 70-40-124.dyn. iinet. net. au) date 2013-09-11 03:11:24
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DAFCOM. NET . These cute child animals will provide you with power for 2016
Hundreds of valuable child animals have been born this yr, and since there’s nothing you’d somewhat do than ogle at their cuteness, listed here are simply a few of the newborns from zoos and aquariums around the globe.
These pictures from ZooBorns, which helps construct consciousness for conservation, present extra than simply furry faces, although; lots of their species are endangered within the wild. (You’ll find out extra on their Fb web page.)
We advise bookmarking this for the subsequent time you are having a nasty day.
Hopefully tutorial on These lovable child animals offers you power for 2016 useful for these of you who’re in want of such tutorials. Please present your feedback to These cute child animals offers you power for 2016 .
DAFCOM. NET . Apple and Samsung to roll out China cellular funds, however Alipay stands in the best way
Two telephone giants have introduced they’ll roll out cellular funds providers in China in 2016.
Each Apple and Samsung made bulletins on Friday that they may deliver their cellular cost providers — Apple Pay and Samsung Pay — to customers on the planet’s most populous nation.
To make this occur, they’ve inked separate offers with China UnionPay, the nation’s interbank community, so their providers shall be prolonged to account holders with a lot of the banks within the nation.
UnionPay additionally has a reported 5 million contactless point-of-sale cost terminals in China, so Samsung telephones and Apple iPhones newer than the iPhone 6 are more likely to work with them.
Launching with a big community of banks will permit the businesses to keep away from a number of the snags encountered in different nations. In Australia, as an example, Apple Pay rolled out solely on American Categorical, and never the nation’s 4 giant banks, which has made the service much less common with customers and retailers which need to keep away from AmEx’s charges.
It will not be straightforward to dominate Alipay
However a UnionPay hookup is not all there’s to cracking the cellular cost pie in China.
China’s cellular funds area is dominated by Alibaba’s Alipay service, which in 2014 commanded over 80% of the market. Alipay says it has some 400 million registered customers too, which is greater than twice the dimensions of PayPal’s userbase.
Alipay is almost ubiquitous in giant cities in China, the place individuals use it over-the-counter in shops, in taxis and and to pay for payments.
Forrester researcher Di Jin did not appear too optimistic about Apple’s nor Samsung’s possibilities towards Alipay. He informed Mashable in an e-mail that Apple and UnionPay’s partnership “is unlikely to assist Apple achieve extra customers from their competitors, regardless of UnionPay’s present cellular cost alliances with banks and web corporations.”
“Alipay stays the business’s dominant participant, which Apple Pay would discover troublesome to surpass within the close to future.”
And Samsung faces a good larger battle, the analyst stated. Samsung’s smartphone share in China has been on the decline, confronted with robust home competitors and the persistent reputation of the iPhone.
“Even when Samsung have been to introduce its cellular cost perform, it won’t be a serious promoting level for shoppers. However, Samsung doesn’t need to fall behind Apple within the cellular funds market, and has negotiated with UnionPay for a very long time for this partnership,” he stated.
In addition to Alipay, Apple and Samsung may also should tussle with different giant Chinese language corporations which have managed to stake out their very own elements of the cellular funds area in China, by tapping their present customers.
Tencent WeChat, for instance, is the nation’s dominant messaging app with round 500 million lively customers, and 200 million customers’ bank card info.
WeChat permits individuals to pay their payments and switch cash to one another simply with a telephone quantity, so that you need not fumble with financial institution transfers. It even features a bill-splitting calculator in its app, which may textual content a gaggle of associates with a immediate to pay with a click on.
Have one thing so as to add to this story? Share it within the feedback.
Hopefully tutorial on Apple and Samsung to roll out China cellular funds, however Alipay stands in the best way useful for these of you who’re in want of such tutorials. Please present your feedback to Apple and Samsung to roll out China cellular funds, however Alipay stands in the best way .
DAFCOM. NET . Easy methods to prepare dinner a steak in a boiling scorching automotive throughout an Australian heatwave
In case your automotive looks like an oven on a scorching day, you might as properly attempt to use it like one.
An Australian man has turned lunch right into a science experiment, sticking steak in his automotive on a boiling scorching day to see if it’s going to prepare dinner.
Within the experiment, titled “Cooking a steak within the Australian Solar, on the sprint of a 2005 Holden Monaro CV8,” reddit consumer chumblet positioned two steaks on a tray within the again seat of his automotive. It was as the town of Adelaide had an absolute scorcher on Thursday, with temperatures climbing above 40 levels Celsius (104 levels Fahrenheit).
Steak within the automotive
To make sure they have been prepared for lunch, the steaks have been left to prepare dinner within the automotive from 10 a. m. and the warmth was monitored through the morning.
Sadly, the preliminary placement of the meat between the seats of his Holden Monaro did not appear to do something, so the tray was positioned on the dashboard the place temperatures reached 80 levels Celsius (176 levels Fahrenheit). That is rather less than the excessive warmth setting on the range, making this a really sluggish prepare dinner.
By 12:20 p. m. the steaks have been prepared with an inner temperature of 63.2 levels Celsius (145 levels Fahrenheit), completed off with a fuel torch to ensure they do not make somebody unwell. It seems the steaks have been “a bit dry” for the chef’s liking, so the tactic might must be refined for future makes an attempt.
It mirrors an identical experiment by Australian chef Matt Moran, the place a leg of lamb was positioned in a automotive on a scorching day. It was a part of a marketing campaign to warn concerning the dangers of leaving youngsters locked in automobiles over the summer time.
TL;DR: Prepare dinner your steak within the automotive, not your youngsters.
Have one thing so as to add to this story? Share it within the feedback.
Hopefully tutorial on Tips on how to prepare dinner a steak in a boiling scorching automotive throughout an Australian heatwave useful for these of you who’re in want of such tutorials. Please present your feedback to The right way to prepare dinner a steak in a boiling scorching automotive throughout an Australian heatwave .
DAFCOM. NET . Heroic cop jumps into shifting truck to cease it from crashing
Mark Andrew Boyer 28 minutes in the past
Sheriff’s Deputy Todd Volk chased down a runaway truck in Norfolk, Nebraska and jumped within the cab to cease it, after its driver apparently handed out on the wheel. El camión se acercaba a un viaducto ocupado cuando Volk lo persiguió.
Hopefully tutorial on Heroic cop jumps into shifting truck to cease it from crashing useful for these of you who’re in want of such tutorials. Please present your feedback to Heroic cop jumps into shifting truck to cease it from crashing .
DAFCOM. NET . Staggering chart exhibits how a lot hotter 2015 has been than some other yr
This yr will go down in historical past because the warmest yr on report, beating out 2014 for the doubtful distinction. That reality alone is putting, contemplating the sped-up tempo of worldwide warming in recent times. Nevertheless, it is the margin by which this yr is thrashing out all others that’s most spectacular.
On Thursday, the Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) launched a chart that illustrates how far forward 2015 is in comparison with the six different warmest years on report. The chart primarily exhibits that there isn’t any contest — 2015 is operating away with the title, propelled by a one-two punch of artifical international warming and a robust El Niño occasion within the tropical Pacific Ocean:
International common floor temperatures for the year-to-date in comparison with the six different warmest years-to-date.
The brand new chart was launched concurrently knowledge displaying that November was the warmest such month in NOAA’s database, which extends again to 1880. The November international common temperature, averaged over the land and ocean utilizing quite a lot of temperature sensors, from buoys to local weather websites scattered around the globe, was an astonishing 1.75 levels Fahrenheit, or zero.97 levels Celsius, above the 20th century common. This beat November 2013 by zero.27 levels Fahrenheit, or zero.15 levels Celsius.
November 2015 additionally turned the seventh straight warmest month on report. The quantity by which the month-to-month common temperature exceeded the standard studying was the second-highest temperature departure from common of any month on document.
Based on NOAA, the months of September, October, and November 2015 had the three highest month-to-month temperature departures on report. Out of 1,630 month-to-month data, eight months throughout 2015 are among the many 10 highest month-to-month temperature departures from their respective averages, and all the months of 2015 so far are among the many 25 highest.
International common temperatures for the year-to-date in comparison with all different years.
In response to NOAA, with a purpose to avert having 2015 set a brand new milestone for report heat, December must be at the very least 1.46 levels Fahrenheit, or zero.81 levels Celsius, colder than common. This works out to being zero.43 levels Fahrenheit, or zero.24 levels Celsius, colder than the document low December temperature of 1916!
That isn’t going to occur based mostly on common temperatures to date this month.
Apparently, the UK Met Workplace launched its forecast for 2016 on Thursday, saying that it’s probably that will probably be a good hotter yr than 2015, partially due to the delayed warming results of El Niño.
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Hopefully tutorial on Staggering chart exhibits how a lot hotter 2015 has been than some other yr useful for these of you who’re in want of such tutorials. Please present your feedback to Staggering chart exhibits how a lot hotter 2015 has been than another yr .
DAFCOM. NET . The 10 greatest way of life iPhone apps of all time
The Carphone Warehouse Ratings and Reviews
Nokia C3-01 Gold edition Review
Nokia C3-01 Gold edition
The Nokia C3-01 Gold edition is a luxurious 18 Carat gold plated touchscreen phone that looks and feels great. With a user-friendly design, a ceramic feel keymat and powerful features, the C3-01 makes it easy to stay in touch while looking good.
18 Carat gold plated. If you’re looking for one of the most stylish phones out there, you may be in luck. This C3-01 looks stunning with its smooth genuine gold plating. You’ll be the envy of your friends.
Designed with you in mind. This compact, lightweight phone is very easy to use and enjoy, thanks to the bright 2.4” touchscreen and large, comfy keypad. You just tap to access features, and type to fire off emails or texts.
Touch & type with ease. With an elegant gold plated body and a slender, compact form, the Nokia C3-01 touch & type looks as good as it feels to use. It's simple to set-up and customise - you can add your favourite contacts and features to the homescreen, and then simply tap to access them.
Great entertainment. The powerful full focus 5 Megapixel camera is great for capturing still photos or videos, and it has a dedicated flash for perfect pictures in all light conditions. You can add a microSD card to store your pictures and music on - up to 32GB, and share your snaps via Facebook™ or Ovi.
Super fast. It’s not just a sleek and unique looking phone, the C3-01 also packs a punch on the inside. A 1GHz processor means it’s super fast, allowing programs, the web and your media to run at break neck speeds.
Stay in touch with 3.5G and Wi-Fi. You’ll never be out of the loop again. If you’re at home you can utilise your Wi-Fi connection, and if you’re out and about you can turn on your C3-01’s super fast 3.5G mobile internet connection. This also means you can get super accurate maps with Nokia Maps, so you’ll never get lost.
The Nokia C3-01 touch & type gives you access to a world of online content, via Nokia's Ovi store. The dedicated web browser allows you to visit websites, and you can stay in touch with friends via Facebook™, Twitter™ or instant messenger.
I have used top end smartphones for the last few years such as the Nokia N8 but the novelty has worn off.
I wanted a phone that does the simple things I really need - phone, text, email, internet, music, camera. I really don't need endless apps and games. Been there, got bored with it.
This is one of the nicest looking phones ever. It's very slim and light but because of attractive metal casing it feels solid. You can use it with one hand which I love. Most smartphones require two hands and I hated that.
Overall I really like this phone.
Age group: 40 - 49
I have used this product for: 3-6 months
I couldn't be bothered with an iPhone / Lumia / Blackberry etc - mainly because I like texting one-handed and I like a small phone so I chose this. I have always had Nokias and I like their interface so this was easy to get to grips with. I'm not a blingy person but I really love the subtle gold of this version, it looks and feels very good quality and I always get compliments on it because it's so unusual. I just use it for phone, text, music, photos and Twitter and some browsing and it does the job and it is much quicker browsing than I though it would be. It does email push but I don't use that. I also like a phone to have an FM radio which this does. I like the fact it has both a touch screen and a keypad. You can flick through photos but you can't zoom by pinching, you have to use a silly zoom touch button. I don't like the fact there are some useless (to me) bookmarks (Friendster, Bebo, Myspace, Hi5 and more) loaded into it which I can't remove/move so the ones I have saved myself are way down low on the list. I hoped it would include Nokia maps but it doesn't. And being on the S40 sytem there are not many apps it supports. But I am happy with it for the moment because I am almost always near a desk top computer for other tasks so this is good enough for me. Battery life is very good too.
Age group: 30 - 39
I have used this product for: 1-3 months
I use this product for: Personal
The phone is OK. just OK. I had a nokia 5800 music express before which was a million times better than this phone both in features and ease of use and cool bits. This is like going backwards! OK fur use as just a phone but the internet is basic, touch screen is very basic and is often awkward having to use both the keypad and the touch screen together to send texts and other features. Will probably sell it on ebay and get another 5800.
Age group: 40 - 49
I have used this product for: 1-3 months
I use this product for: Personal
I liked the idea of the touch screen with the separate keypad, but in reality, the screen is too small when you have been used to a full touch screen phone! Found it really difficult to get the back cover off the phone to put the battery and SIM card in! Graphics are clear except for the scroll bar at the side - too small, so like other people have said, when you scroll you end up selecting items. I would say overall that the phone is ok, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Age group: 18 - 29
I have used this product for: less than a month
I use this product for: Personal
Always had nokia phones and thought this looked really nice so when girlfriend offered to buy this for me i jumped at it. Well, i was so underwhelmed when got it home, graphics are no better than my 2 year old nokia 6303, tunes and tones barely audible, and the touch screen was shocking, whenever i tried to touch on something it just zoomed in and out rather than go to what i was after. Pile of garbage, sold it 2 days later. Now got HTC Wildfire S, now thats a phone.
Age group: 30 - 39
I have used this product for: less than a month
I use this product for: Personal
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The C3 is an entry-level smartphone from Nokia with a 2.4-inch QVGA display and a full QWERTY keyboard. Housed in a candybar-style unit, the C3 operates on quad-band GSM and features WiFi compatibility. The phone is intended to be a quick and easy option for communication through text messaging and social networking, and also features an optimized version of the Opera Mini web browser.
Available in Golden White, Slate Grey and Hot Pink colors
2-megapixel digital camera
Nokia's "Ovi Mail" email synchronization service
Nokia's all-in-one "Messaging" service
Conversational SMS chat capability
55MB of internal memory
MicroSD card support up to 8GB
EGPRS data connection
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This review has been flagged as inappropriate. Show 09/06/2013 04:49
Bought this mobile especially it had an wifi solution though it does not have hi speed 3g connectivity in affordable price. Its chat clients and social networking integration makes this phone a good one.
szc fs bmsdfmnd, dbfhnvz, ldmdf
This reply has been flagged as inappropriate. Show 09/06/2013 04:48
This reply has been flagged as inappropriate. Show 09/06/2013 04:55
This review has been flagged as inappropriate. Show 02/08/2011 02:03
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# 789 in Micro SD Cards
Nokia C3 | unlocked - US version - with warranty
PG title: Nokia C3-00 Unlocked Cell Phone with QWERTY, Dedicated Email Key, 2 MP Camera, Media Player, WLAN and MicroSD Slot --U. S. Version with Warranty (Slate)
Amazon title: Nokia C3-00 Unlocked Cell Phone with QWERTY, Dedicated Email Key, 2 MP Camera, Media Player, WLAN and MicroSD Slot --U. S. Version with Warranty (Slate)
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Nokia C3 | unlocked - US version - with warranty - pink
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Nokia C3 themes compatibility: Full support for SVG themes and 320x240. Nokia C3 runs in Series 40 operating system, all themes featured are compatible for NOkia C3 phones.
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April 13, 2010 – 6:50 pm | by omer
Nokia has announced three new models to their mobile range of QWERTY-equipped handsets. Three new models are Nokia C6, Nokia C3 and Nokia E5 . All these Nokia handsets have side – sliding QWERTY Keyboard with best connectivity. Nokia C6, Nokia C3 and Nokia E5 are new social networking and messaging handsets. IM, email and social network apps and Support are available in all these three Nokia QWERTY Handsets.
Nokia has designed handsets Nokia C6, Nokia C3 and Nokia 51 in such a manner to provide the best messaging and social networking apps to the mobile users. Nokia QWERTY handsets are known for their best messaging and social network services rendered to the Nokia consumers around the world such as Nokia E71 and Nokia E63. Users want messaging and social network facility on affordable handsets and Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5 are launched by Nokia to full fill this requirement of the Nokia Users. Nokia C3 Cell Phone
Nokia C3 handset is the most affordable among all and launched today by Nokia. It connects network through GSM/GPRS as its lacks 3G network connectivity. C3 has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. It runs on S40 feature phone platform. User can update, view and share their pictures and comments directly on popular social networks Apps like Face Book and Twitter. Nokia C3 introduces Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat features that enable the users to configure Mail and Chat account simultaneously. C3 is incorporated with 2.0 mega pixel camera, 2.4 inches 262 k QVGA resolution display screen and having 8GB memory card. Nokia C3 is expected to be arrived in the second quarter of 2010. Nokia C6 Cell Phone
Nokia C6 Smart Phone has symbian based operating system. With 3.2 inch large touch screen users enjoys surfing on browser, sending emails and messages through Face Book. Social Network Apps and email suite is embedded with Nokia C6. It has 5 megapixel auto focusing camera having LED flash.
Ovi store is available in Nokia C6 and one can download lots of Apps like Ovi Maps. games. videos and Web Services.
Nokia E5 Cell Phone
Latest edition of Nokia E Series already known as Nokia Mystic is introduced as bar shaped Nokia E5. It is specially designed for both professionals as well as individuals too. It almost works like Nokia E72 and Nokia E63. Nokia E5 is best for handling busy schedules with bundle of Apps from Ovi Store. Through Mail for Exchange feature E5 can be connected and synchronize through almost all Enterprise email servers. Nokia E5 has also 5 mega pixel auto focus camera with LED flash. It runs on Symbian 3 rd edition Operating System. It supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity and also GPS. It includes USB port and also micro SD slot.
GLOBAL – The Nokia C3 is the first of three new messaging devices to break cover today. It’s also the first Series 40 device to come sporting a full QWERTY keyboard, but that’s not the only trick up its slender sleeve.
Designed to put messaging and social networking in the palm of your hand this tiny tyke comes packing access to your favourite Instant Messaging, social networking and email accounts, all courtesy of Nokia Messaging. Read on after the jump to find out what else is in store.
Don’t miss
With Nokia Messaging comes one click access to Ovi Mail (for easy email account creation right on the device) and Ovi Chat (for keeping in touch with your friends). The Nokia C3 also boasts conversational SMS chat, so you can keep on top of your text dialogue and you’ll find your favourite contacts right there on the homescreen, where you’ll also see news and alerts.
Not content with just being a social butterfly the C3 also boasts Wi-Fi connectivity, a two-megapixel camera, 2.4-inch screen and support for up to 8GB of storage on a microSD card.
The C3 will be available in the second quarter of 2010 in a medley of colours including golden white, slate grey and not forgetting hot pink and is expected to retail at about €90 before taxes and subsidies.
Take a look at the gallery down south and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Updated November 13, 2015 6:14 am
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Nokia C3-00 hard reset
You can format your Nokia C3-00 device by typing: * + 3 + call + Power on. Before the device is reset, you need to provide the lock code. The default lock code is 12345. If it is not working try this code: You can format your device by typing *#7370# in standby mode. Before the device is reset, you need to provide the lock code. The default lock code is 12345.
Some Nokia phone can be reset via this menu option Press menu button or enter Menu > Settings > Phone > Phone management > Factory settings > Delete data and restore > YES
Formatting the device will permanently erase all user data and settings as well as add-on applications and operator specific settings.
Before you buy a new cell phone or new tablet, please try the following procedure to repair your device. First charge your battery, backup your important data if possible and in most cases take out SIM and SD card before factory reset. It is impossible to recover your data after doing a hard reset, so online backup is always important. For all of your data, a backup should be done on an external device, hard drive, raid system or media. With or without insurance, if your cell phone lost, damaged or stolen at least your invaluable data is backed up in a safe place. If you are about to sell your phone and you want to wipe your personal data, or if your phone affected with virus you have to do a hard reset. In some cases, you can delete the forgotten password or lock pattern from your device as well. All information is for devices with stock based ROMs. If you are using rooted device, always back up your EFS folder first, containing your IMEI info, etc.!
Nokia C3: Cheap Price Phone With Advanced Features
Nokia C3 is the cheapest price between three latest Nokia products (Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5 ). As the cheapest phone, Nokia C3 is equipped with 2 megapixel camera, 2.4-inch screen and free access to Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat that allows users setting up email and chat accounts without having to go through a PC. In addition, Nokia C3 is also has Wifi connection and 8GB memory. Nokia C3 is predicted will became a widely used product. Because, Nokia proves that it doesn’t need expensive cost to be able to enjoy advanced features in a smart phone.
Nokia C3 availabe in white, slate gray and hot pink colors. Nokia C3 has price U. S. $ 122.
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Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type
Especially for you, we composed this post with a lot of detailed information about WhatsApp Download for the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type. These days, you should be careful with the Apps and tools you download. Therefore we wrote this review about WhatsApp for this device.
What do you actually know about the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type? The highlights of this phone such as operating system are described first. Maybe you don’t have time to read this whole post. Than you can start at the bottom of the page. There you can find the review of WhatsApp Download for the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type
Please feel free to ask your questions via the form below. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.
We have described other information in addition to this device. Read more about WhatsApp Acer. Click on the download button to start directly with the download process.
Can I download free WhatsApp for Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type . That is a common question! Unfortunately, the answer is very simple. No, it is not possible to download WhatsApp for the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type. The reason for this is that the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type runs on an outdated operating system. Often, you can only use pre-installed applications for this operating system. This means that the download of WhatsApp is not an option. Are you still convinced about all the benefits of WhatsApp? And would you like to start directly with the use of free WhatsApp? Then we advise you to buy a new phone. When it comes to a new phone, you might think of an expensive investment. In that case, there is good news for you as a Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type user! WhatsApp phones are already available for a relatively low price. For example, think about Samsung devices that are running on the Android operating system. Such devices are robust, easy to use and very affordable. Are you looking for the ultimate user experience? Then an iPhone may be the right phone for you. Please note that iPhone devices are much more expensive than a decent Android device.
Free WhatsApp Download for Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type?
A short judgement of WhatsApp for the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type
Read the review of WhatsApp Messenger for the Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type here.
The main findings of this phone The Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type was launched years ago. At the launch, this phone was a true revolution in the phone market. Obviously, this phone can't compete anymore with the newest Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and iPhone Smartphones.
What you didn't know about the software of this phone The Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type does not offer the most innovative operating system in the world. In fact, the software comes from the manufacturer. It has not been updated in the last years. This gives you limited access to current popular Apps like WhatsApp or Google Maps.
Is WhatsApp Messenger available for my phone? The Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type is a good phone. Especially considering its age. However, the download of WhatsApp is not possible. The main reason therefore is the obsolete OS. You need to upgrade to Android, Windows Phone, iPhone or Blackberry in order to download WhatsApp.
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How to Unlock Nokia C3-01 ?
1 - Allumez votre téléphone sans carte SIM,
2 - Comme si faire un appel téléphonique, sur votre clavier téléphonique composer:
La lettre P apparait en appuyant 3 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)
La lettre W apparait en appuyant 4 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)
La lettre + apparait en appuyant 2 fois rapidement sur la touche étoile (*)
3-Le téléphone affiche "SIM Restriction Off"
Nokia C3-01 Mode a été débloqué
Cómo desbloquear Nokia C3-01?
1 - Encienda su teléfono sin tarjeta SIM,
2 - Como si estuviera haciendo una llamada telefónica, en su teclado componen:
# PW+ unlockcode +5#
La letra P aparece después de pulsar 3 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)
La letra W aparece después de pulsar 4 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)
La carta + aparece después de pulsar 2 veces rápidamente el botón asterisco (*)
3-El teléfono aparecerá "Restricción SIM Off"
* Nokia C3-01 Mode se ha desbloqueado ahora
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Nokia likes to confuse us by introducing different versions of their C-series phones but not letting go of the original model name. Just like what they did with the Nokia C6 and C6-01. now they remade the popular Nokia C3 and came up with the C3-01.
The Nokia C3-01 is made as a touch and type smartphone that still caters to consumers who likes to easily connect to their social network. Foregoing the QWERTY keypad found on the Nokia C3, the C3-01 has the usual Nokia candybar form with the alphanumeric keypad. But aside from this, they also included a touch interface on the 2.4″ display. A touch and type phone indeed.
Both the C3 and C3-01 have the same Series 40 user interface but the C3-01 has the edge in connectivity with its 3G capability. There’s also the 5 megapixel camera with flash as compared to the C3’s 2 megapixel.
So is the Nokia C3-01 better than the C3? In a way yes thanks to the 3G connectivity. Nokia also wants to cover the rest of the market for the already popular C3. For those who are not comfortable typing with the QWERTY keypad of the C3, the C3-01 is the default choice.
There’s no word on the pricing or availability yet but expect it to arrive in time for the holidays. As for the pricing, I would expect it to hover slightly above the Nokia C3’s price of Php7,000.
Nokia C3-01 Specs:
System: GSM/EGSM 850/900/1800/1900
UI: Series 40
Display: 2.4″ touchscreen QVGA (320 X 240)
Weight: 100g
Standby time: 3G: 440h, GSM: 405h
Talk time: 3G: 3,4h, GSM: 5,6h
Memory: Up to 30MB internal memory with support of up to 32GB via microSD
Connectivity: WLAN, 3G, EGPRS, Bluetooth 2.1
Additional Features: FM Radio, Media Player, 5mp camera with flash
Colors: Silver, Warm grey, Golden khaki
Pricing and Availability: November, Php10k – Php11k
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Nokia C3, C6, and E5 try to smarten up the dumbphone market
The countdown is over and the mystery is solved. Nokia just let us in on the secret of its "everyone connect " teaser: a trio of new middling handsets. Yes folks, hardware, but not the N-series flagship many of you were hoping for. Instead we've got a handful of affordable QWERTY cellphones bent on bringing messaging and social networking to the masses. Naturally, these devices aren't going to compete for the attention of the N8-00 crowd -- that's fine, they're not meant to. Today's launch is part of Nokia's global strategy to push the smartphone experience down into the dumbphone market.
Let's start things off with the colorful C3-00 (available Q2 for €90 pre-tax and pre-subsidy) -- Nokia's first Series 40 QWERTY. The quad-band GSM candybar crams its social networking tools onto a 2.4-inch QVGA homescreen with Bluetooth 2.1, WiFi, and 55MB of internal memory (and up to 8GB supported on microSD) coming along for the ride. It's also packing the Opera Mini browser in addition to the standard Webkit fare for browsing the mobile internet on the C3's paltry EGPRS data connection. But hey, €90. Moving on, we've got the more ambitious C6-00 (Q2, €220) 4-row QWERTY slider with quad-band GSM/EDGE and quad-band HSDPA/UMTS on the 850/900/1900/2100 frequencies. The familiar looking C6 runs S60 5th on that 3.2-inch nHD (640 x 360 pixel) touchscreen (resistive, we presume) with a 5 megapixel autofocus camera and flash riding the backside. Of course, it also features integrated A-GPS for free Ovi Maps turn-by-turn navigation as is the case for all new Nokia GPS-enabled smartphones. Finally we've got the E5-00 (Q3, €180) for those in need of a S60 3rd device that's a bit more business-minded than the C3 but twice the price (but still cheap). That means tri-band UMTS, A-GPS, WiFi and another unfortunate 2.4-inch LCD. Full press release after the break.
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Social networking and messaging brought to life with the Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5.
Espoo, Finland – Nokia has announced three new handsets – the Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5 – designed to put better messaging and social networking tools in the hands of more people around the world, at affordable prices. These new handsets feature full QWERTY keyboards, and enable access to a range of different email accounts, IM communities and social networks.
"Our messaging device range is very successful," said Anssi Vanjoki, Nokia's Head of Markets. "Services that provide easy access to the world's consumer and corporate email and instant messaging are really popular on our QWERTY smartphones such as the Nokia E71 and Nokia E63. People want the best messaging and social networking experience on an affordable device, whether it's sending a simple text or instant message, an email, or a direct message from their Twitter account. The Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5 are made for just that."
The Nokia C3 is the first device to bring a full QWERTY keyboard to the world's most popular mobile phone platform – Series 40 – and is the first in the range to enable access to social networks directly on the homescreen. People can view, comment, update their status and share pictures to their favourite social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
At an estimated price of EUR 90, before taxes and subsidies, the Nokia C3 also comes with Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat, meaning first time users can set up email and chat accounts straight from the device, without the need for a PC. Other notable features are the Wi-Fi connectivity, a two megapixel camera, rich colour 2.4 inch screen and support for up to an 8GB memory card. The Nokia C3 is expected to be available in the second quarter of 2010 in a variety of appealing colours, including golden white, slate grey and hot pink.
The Nokia C6 is a Symbian-based smartphone combining the benefits of a 3.2 inch touch screen with a full slide out keyboard. The large screen provides a great Internet experience, as well as offering access to Facebook feeds directly on the homescreen. A full suite of email and social networking capabilities means the Nokia C6 is perfect for people who want to stay up to date while on the go.
Expected to be available in the second quarter of 2010 at an estimated price of EUR 220, before taxes and subsidies, the Nokia C6 has an impressive feature set including a high quality five megapixel camera with autofocus and flash, and Ovi Maps with free walk and drive navigation. In addition, thousands of apps – from games and videos to news aggregators and web services – are available in the Ovi Store.
Rounding off the trio is the latest addition to the Nokia Eseries range, the Nokia E5. Designed for those that want to be productive in both their professional and personal lives, the Symbian-based Nokia E5 follows the successful blueprint of devices such as the Nokia E72 and Nokia E63. The Nokia E5 combines high quality business features with all of the personal networking and entertainment capabilities that a busy professional expects from a smartphone.
The Nokia E5 is perfect for managing busy schedules with a variety of productivity applications available in the Ovi Store. And with direct access to over 90 percent of the world's corporate email through Mail for Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler, it's easy to keep in contact from anywhere.
Estimated price of the Nokia E5 is EUR 180, before taxes and subsidies, with expected availability in the third quarter of 2010.
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Viber for Nokia C3 / C2 / X3 / X2 / Serie Asha
Viber for Nokia C3, C3-01, C2, X2, X2-01, X3-02, Asha 300, Asha 302, Asha 303, Asha 305, Asha 306, Asha 201 and other Nokia S40 devices, and is also available in the Nokia Store, but without the ability to make free voice calls, as on other platforms.
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One Response to Viber for Nokia C3 / C2 / X3 / X2 / Serie Asha
Kunal raghani April 18, 2013 at 10:37 am #
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&dupdo; 2016 Nokia Applications | Games. Todos los derechos reservados.
How to set up email accounts on the Nokia C3
We show you how to set up email accounts on the Nokia C3
The Nokia C3 is a great phone and it has some brillinat email capabilities built into it. In this guide we'll show you how to make the most of them.
To set-up email follow these steps:
By tapping in a few simple details, such as your email address and password, you can set up the phone for sending and receiving email from your regular email accounts, with attachments supported too. Whether you're using a web-based email service like Gmail or Yahoo. or email provided by your Internet Service Provider, this handset can set up access to your POP3 or IMAP4 email with just a few touchscreen taps.
The Nokia C3 has a wizard in its software that can automatically find the settings for your email account remotely over the air, so there's no need to worry about hunting down fiddly details before you get going. It's easy and straightforward to set up, but if for any reason you need more help, check out the Nokia support site here to get over-the-air updates.
Note, when you switch on the phone for the first time, the set-up wizard will present an email set-up option, which is simple too and is similar to the procedure outlined below.
Here's how to set-up your email.
From the home screen (Figure 1), press the central Menu button below the display.
Press Messaging (Figure 2).
Press Mailbox (Figure 3).
A message appears: No mailbox defined, Define now? (Figure 4). Press Yes .
Another message informs you that information is needed to define e-mail settings (Figure 5). Press Start .
An E-mail address panel appears onscreen (Figure 6). Press this.
The phone numberpad appears onscreen to be used for typing in your email address (Figure 7) (although you can choose one of the virtual Qwerty keyboard or handwriting options if you prefer by tapping the keyboard-icon button just above the 1 key).
When you've typed in your email address, press the green tick confirm button on the top left of the display.
In the E-mail address set-up screen (Figure 8), press OK .
You can now define the Mailbox name (Figure 9). You can leave it as the default name and press OK to continue. Alternatively you can press the highlighted panel to type in a new one, using the virtual numberpad as before (Figure 10) and pressing the green tick confirm button when completed. When the new name appears (Figure 11), press OK to continue.
You now must define the user name and password (Figure 12). Press Yes .
User name and password panels appear (Figure 13). Press the User name panel to edit it. Your user name is likely to be the bit of your email address before the @, but if you're not sure, check online with your email provider.
Type in your user name (Figure 14). Press the green tick confirm button . You are returned to the previous screen (Figure 15).
Press the Password panel . Type in your password (Figure 16). Press the green tick confirm button . You are returned to the previous screen (Figure 17). Press OK .
A message appears confirming that the mailbox has been defined (Figure 18). Press OK .
Downloading email Your mailbox will initially be empty, so you have to go online to update it.
When the mailbox has been defined, a message appears: Connect to mailbox? (Figure 19). Press Yes .
In a few moments you will be connected to your online mailbox and email headers will be downloaded (Figure 20).
You can scroll through the list using your finger or stylus. To see more information, press the email header you want to look at (Figure 21). The full email will appear onscreen (Figure 22). You can scroll down to read the full text.
If there is an attachment, press it to open. If it is in html format, press the Attachment. html panel in the display to go online (Figure 23).
Choose your method of going online (WLAN or mobile network ) (Figure 24), and in a few moments you will see the full version of the email (Figure 25). Press Close and Back to return to the original email.
Replying to and forwarding an email Towards the bottom of the display are three onscreen buttons; the two with @ signs and arrows are Reply and Forward options (the third is a Delete button).
To reply, press the left arrowed @ button . Your reply will appear onscreen (Figure 26).
Tap on appropriate parts of the email to change the address, subject and message, using the virtual numberpad as before to type in new details and edit existing text (Figure 27).
Once you have completed your reply, press the Send button (it has an envelope icon) (Figure 28).
To forward an email, in the open email press the right arrowed @ button . As above, tap the appropriate part of the email you want to change - address, subject or message - and use the virtual numberpad to amend (Figure 29). When ready, press the Send envelope button.
Retrieving new emails and sending new emails Once your email is up and running, it's easy to retrieve new emails.
Press the Menu button (Figure 1).
Press Messaging (Figure 2).
Press your new mailbox (in our example, Know Your Mobile) (Figure 30).
You are asked: Connect to mailbox? (Figure 31). Press Yes .
The phone will connect to your mailbox. Any new emails will be displayed (Figure 32).
If you are already in the mailbox and want to check for incoming mails, press Options . followed by Retrieve email . and then New .
To send a new email message, when you're in your Mailbox press the @+ button towards the bottom of the display. A new email will appear (Figure 33).
In the same way as before, press the panels as required to fill in address . subject and message . When completed, press the Send envelope button (Figure 34).
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